《死亡医师》观后感100字( 五 )

【Joshua Jackson这个演员确实不错 。这部剧让剧评作者联想到《聚焦》,都是在溃烂的体制中横行的恶魔 。】
The whole cast matches Jackson’s nuance, especially Slater and Baldwin. It’s particularly rewarding to see the latter get a subtle, complex role for the first time in what feels like a long time—there’s a quiet fury and professional disgust to his performance that’s admirable. And Slater balances him nicely with a more brash, outgoing performance so the two don’t feel like the same character. Robb is definitely good, but I’ll admit to liking the first half of the season more when Baldwin/Slater were driving the investigation instead of the legal hotshot. The transition leads to a bit of a drag in the middle of the season and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the fat suit prosthetics that Jackson is forced to act through in the last couple episodes, which are a drastic misfire. Each episode opens with the disclaimer that some of the truth has been bent, and I get that the fat suit is meant to further represent Duntsch’s decline, but it’s just distracting.
【其他演员也相当优秀 。看到第六集才知道这里的“fat suit”是什么意思,邓特开始发胖了,所以演员穿了fat suit,象征着邓特“光辉岁月”的终结,但剧评作者不太喜欢这个安排,让他出戏,我觉得还好啦 。另外说明一点的是,戒酒的人血糖会低,所以他们都会大量吃糖或巧克力等补充糖分 。第六集邓特在爸爸家里喝咖啡疯狂放糖 。】
Finally, it’s important to note that “Dr. Death” never feels sensational or exploitative, expressing the empathy for Duntsch’s victims he so clearly lacked. It’s ultimately a castigation of a system that values profits over professionalism, and tells young upstarts like Duntsch that they'll be the faces of a medical revolution before asking if the person with the scalpel is at all capable of leading the way.
【还是,动手术前想想拿刀的人是谁 。】
科比和亨德森两个医生性格互补,一个沉稳,一个外向略暴躁 。科比在生活上不拘小节,之前某集把脚丫跷到亨德森的办公桌上;这集又瞎说俄语,“达斯维达尼亚”是再见的意思,他用来打招呼 。哈哈哈哈,太可爱了 。
两个好医生都衬托了邓奇的恶 。亨德森说过,失去过一个患者,一直让他耿耿于怀,庭审时也说他哪怕有过邓奇33例手术中的一例结果,也不会再进手术室 。科比虽然生活中大大咧咧,但专业上极认真 。正是有这样的好医生,我们才能放心地去海滩,哦不是,去医院看病,信任医生 。
其他配角也都映衬了男主,听完邓奇说话之后觉得每个人说话都非常让人舒服 。甚至他的律师,思维和谈吐都远远好过邓奇本人,能想到把责任推到大学和各级培训医院,也是相当敬业的律师 。而舒加特这一方赢得坦荡荡,没有使诈 。特别喜欢法庭戏上他们用排比句 。亨德森背诵希波克拉底誓言一段太热血了 。