2021国产护肤品排行榜前十( 三 )

Estee Lauder brand is one of the world's skin care cosmetics giants, its acquisition of more than one skin care brand, and two brands, and has been selling well. The ANP series of skin care products under the brand is undoubtedly the most classic and popular, classic amber brown bottle package, containing acid component products, to repair the damaged skin cells, from deep moisturizing and skin care.
雅诗兰黛品牌是世界级护肤化妆品巨头之一,旗下收购多个护肤一级、二级品牌,且一直很畅销 。这款ANP系列的护肤产品无疑是品牌下最为经典和受欢迎的,经典琥珀色棕瓶包装,产品内含果酸成分,对受损皮肤细胞修复作用,可以从深层次滋润和保养肌肤 。
4: Lancome - essence of muscle liquid
This brand is not only the French national treasure brand of skin care products, but also one of the world famous cosmetics brands. It is also the essential brand skin care product of many Hollywood actresses. This product is the world's first gene maintenance based essence products, won the more than 100 Beauty Awards in the world, can repair the skin deep muscle layer, make the skin more youthful, suitable for 30 years old people.
这个品牌不仅是法国国宝级的护肤品品牌,也是世界知名的化妆品品牌之一,更是众多好莱坞女星必备的品牌护肤品 。该产品是全球首款以基因保养为主的精华产品,在世界获得过一百多项美容大奖,能够深入修护皮肤肌底层,让肌肤更年轻有活力,适合30岁人群使用 。
5:SK-II- skin essence lotion (immortal water)
With this skin care lotion (also called water gods) topped the charts, containing pitera component brand unique, acid-base balance, regulate skin muscle, increase skin cell resistance, promote the balance of the The new supersedes the old. but many popular stars, men and women are in use, good effect is in a complete mess.
凭借这款护肤精华露(也叫神仙水)荣登排行榜,含有品牌特有的pitera成分,调节皮肤肌层的酸碱平衡,增加皮肤细胞本身的抵抗力,促进新陈代谢均衡等,这款可是许多当红男女明星都在用的,效果好的可谓是一塌糊涂 。
6: Helena - acme beauty collagen series
Although the brand was acquired by L'OREAL, but in the world of skin still can not be underestimated, this series of products is the brand's flagship star product, can play a role in anti wrinkle and repair, is a series of skin problems caused by skin aging, skin aging for 30 years old friends.
该品牌虽然被欧莱雅集团收购,但在护肤界地位依然不容小觑,该系列产品就是品牌的主打明星产品,能够起到抗皱和修复作用,针对的是皮肤衰老引起的一系列肌肤问题,适合30岁皮肤有衰老倾向的朋友使用 。