2021国产护肤品排行榜前十( 四 )

7: Biotherm - live spring dew
Biotherm products have been the main component of mineral organic active factor in hot springs, contains a variety of trace elements in skin needs, especially the spring dew has a large number of PETP factor, as long as a little bit can supply water, wake up skin deep water circulation activity, use the skin appears to play, slippery, press the skin immediately with water feeling.
碧欧泉的产品一直以来都是主打温泉中矿泉有机活性因子成分的,含有肌肤需要的多种微量元素,尤其是该款活泉水分露有大量的PETP因子,只要一点点就可以完全补足水分,唤醒肌肤深层水循环活力,使用后皮肤呈现弹弹的、滑滑的,一按皮肤即刻有出水的感觉 。
8: Elizabeth. Arden -8 hours, Run Zeshuang
Moisture is very durable and effective, it also has the effect of reducing scars and repairing skin elasticity, moisturizing, anti-aging, more moist, suitable for dry skin.
滋润度非常持久而有效,它另外还有淡化疤痕、修复肌肤弹性的意外疗效,保湿抗老,比较滋润,适合中干性皮肤 。
2021年消费者最爱的护肤品排行1. Lancome black bottle
Born in 2009, although the age is light, but was a variable a "gene maintenance" in the global boom, in Japan, South Korea, France and other places to grab a space for sale, the 2009 annual world's most awarded essence, by many authoritative magazines and websites as the best essence of the year. Small black bottle unique egg white texture, absorption ability is super good, at the same time can promote your skin itself young protein production, let the skin foundation is getting better and better, super delicate and soft.
2009年诞生,虽然年纪较轻,但一出世变在全球掀起基因保养的热潮,在日本、韩国、法国等地都抢售一空,2009年度全球获奖最多的精华,被多家权威杂志、网站评为年度最佳精华 。小黑瓶独特的蛋清质地,吸收力超好,同时能促进你肌肤自身年轻蛋白的生成,让肌肤底子越来越好,超级细腻柔软 。
2. announce snail facial mask
Snails liquid is called the skin soft gold, but the scale is suitable for snail farming environment less and less, this produced in Henan Huangfanqu farm snail dope mask, is the world's largest and most outstanding snail breeding base, Ian for South Korea and France, Thailand and other countries of the big brands to provide raw materials snail has more than ten years this mask, rarely in the China know, but is popular in europe.
蜗牛原液被称为护肤软黄金,但是大规模适合养殖蜗牛的环境少之又少,这款产自河南黄泛区农场的蜗牛原液面膜,有着全球最大最优秀的蜗牛养殖基地,为韩国伊思和法国,泰国等国的大品牌提供蜗牛原料已经十几年了,这款面膜在中国知道的很少,但是在欧洲却备受欢迎 。