2021国产护肤品排行榜前十( 五 )

3.Kiehl's Keihl's Lip Balm 1
As one of the star products of Kiehl 's, it is the best moisturizing skin care product designed for dry, cracked lips. Because the ingredients contain soothing factors, nourishing vitamin oil and UV isolation ingredients (SPF4), the lips can provide the most complete protection, and immediately play a soothing effect, so that lips soft and smooth. Bring a soft, supple feeling to your lips. Is one of the best lip cream world sales!
作为Kiehl’s的明星产品之一,专为乾裂、过敏的嘴唇所设计的最佳滋润保养品 。因成分含有舒缓因子,滋润维他命油及紫外线隔离成分(SPF4),能为唇部提供最完整的保护,并立即发挥舒缓功效,使双唇柔软丰润 。带给双唇十分柔软丰润的舒适感 。是世界上销量最好的护唇霜之一!
4.sisley universal emulsion
The emulsion is famous, fully meet the various nutrients necessary for skin, and restore skin moisture balance, compaction, anti-aging, anti pollution, defense, compression and other comprehensive function, skin tight, full, shiny, elastic, Sisley classics, suitable for all skin types.
大名鼎鼎的全年乳液,全面满足肌肤所需的各种营养,平衡且恢复肌肤滋润、紧实、抗老化、抗污染,防御、抗压等全面机能,肌肤紧致饱满,有光泽,有弹性,为sisley经典之选,适合各种肌肤类型 。
5. CLARINS CLARINS lotus facial oil
Contains natural concentrated vegetable oils such as lotus, rosemary, geranium, sage and hazelnut fruit oil, effectively regulate oil secretion, shrink pores and purify the skin, promote cell regeneration, reduce oil secretion and more efficient sterilization, clean the skin, muscle is a net oil, soothing conditioning means effective balance.
5. CLARINS 娇韵诗莲花面部护理油
蕴含天然浓缩植物油如莲花、迷迭香、天竺葵、鼠尾草及榛实果油,有效调节油脂分泌,收缩毛孔并净化肌肤,促进细胞再生、减少油脂分泌的同时,更能高效杀菌、净化肌肤,是净肌控油、平衡舒缓的有效调理手段 。
6.SK-II immortal water
The "immortals" two words attracted no sex touching it, with Pitera containing yeast extract is rich in various nutrients up to more than 90%, every day to provide adequate nutrition for the skin and the skin, deep moisturizing, balance the skin pH value, shape the moist smooth skin color. It's called the most magical water".
神仙二字吸引了无**性为之动容,拥有含有高达90%以上的富含多种营养成分的Pitera酵母精华,每天为肌肤提供充足营养并调理肌肤,深层保湿,平衡肌肤的pH值,塑造润泽光洁的肌肤本色 。堪称最神奇的水 。
7.HR Helena collagen plump eye cream
The first "hand" can be applied without the use of eye cream, contains exclusive ingredients of Pro-Xfill can stimulate and strengthen collagen production of fine lines wrinkles / lower skin lacks, with more caffeine and butcher's broom extract, strengthen the drainage, brighten the eye skin, eliminate eye puffiness function.