外研版英语七年级下册Module4 Unit1练习题怎么写?( 三 )

Do you know this girl with golden hair? Students:No,we don\\'t Tell them she was Goldilocks.Do you want to know the story about Goldilocks? Please listen to the tape carefully,then you can know the story.二.听力训练 1.多层听:
Step1:Listen and check the true sentences 1.Thestory is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.( ) 2.The story begins :once upon a time ( ) 3.Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold.( ) 4.Goldilocks lived in the forest.( ) 5.She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket.Step2:listen and answer the questions 1.Who was Goldilocks? 2.Where was she?
3.What did Goldilocks notice?
Step3:listen and complete.
This is called “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.Once upon a time, there was a little girl.She lived near the forest.One day she decided to go for a walk.She walked into the forest with herbasket.
设计意图:三个听力题的设计由易到难 , 循序渐进 , 既锻炼了学生的听力 , 又使学生基本上了解故事的内容 , 为对话的学习打下基础 。2.听后说
Read the short paage, pay attention to the past forms.三.对话处理 1.读前听
Step1.Listen and number the pictures in activity2 in the correct order.Step2:listen and answer the questions 1.Was Goldilocks lost in the forest? 2.Did she notice a house? 3.How many bowls were there on the table? 4.Did she finish all the food in the big bowl?3.听后读
Step 1.Read the answer the questions in activity4 Step2 Read and find out the phrases for every picture.and read the phrases.counted three bowls, entered the house, hurried to the house, knocked on the door, picked some flowers, pushed the door, noticed a little house, was lost.设计意图:为后面复述课文打下基础
Step1读对话 , 找出一般过去时态的句子
Step2小组合作讨论总结归纳规则动词的过去式 , 及一般过去时的肯定句、否定句、疑问句的句式结构 。专项练习:
1、She liked the little bowl.(变否定句)
2、She hurried to the house.(变疑问句) Step3小组合作解疑 , 后教师精讲点拨 4.学后读
学生分角色朗读对话 , 然后小组展示 。5.读后说
根据提供的图片在小组内以故事接龙的形式复述故事 , 每人说出一个句子 , 看哪个小组可以在最短的时间描述出最完整的故事 。
设计意图:既锻炼了学生的合作能力 , 又给了每个人展示的机会 四. 学以致用
播放一段白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事视频 , 先小组合作为主要画面找到关键词 , 在小组内交流 , 然后每人一句 , 以故事接龙形式展示 。
设计意图:视频可调动学生积极性 , 激发学生学习兴趣 , 感受学习英语的乐趣 。
Goldilocks _____(walk) in the forest and ____(pick) some flowers.Soon she ____(be) lost.She ____(look) around her.Then she ____(notice)a little house.She ____(hurry) to the house.She _____(knock) on the door.It____(be) open.She ___(look) and _____(listen).There____(be) no one there, so she ____(enter)the house.Snow White ___(look) into a small room.On a table she ____(count) three bowls.But she didn’t _____(like) the big bowls.She ____(finish) all the food in the little bowl. 设计意图:进一步查看了学生对于规则动词的过去式的掌握情况