英语专业教育实习日记格式怎么样?( 二 )
现在说这些 , 也许有些后知后觉、自作自受、咎由自取的意味儿在里面 。但我希望亡羊补牢 , 为时未晚 。
在接下来不到一个月的实习时间里 , 我们都要好好地逼上自己一把 , 争取达到实质性的改变和突破 。
有了上次迟到的经历 , 自打昨天傍晚收到今天可以去宾山小学听课的消息后 , 我便早早地安排好一切活动 , 希望不要再错过这次难得的观摩机会 。
今天观摩的主题为“如东县小学信息化教学能手竞赛” 。七堂课的授课内容均为“The English Club” , 各位参赛选手需要配以电子白板、PPT , 进行课堂教学 。
七堂课的教学宗旨相同 , 形式各异 。
首先看着不同老师对电子白板不同程度地使用 , 我深感电脑技术在小学英语教学中的重要性 。对于电脑技术不太精通的'我来说 , 还算是种挑战吧 , 看来以后要多加学习 。
从整体上感觉着七堂课 , 其实性质差不多 , 正常的教学顺序“热身——呈现——操练——巩固——拓展” 。而且各位老师在不同环节采取的形式也是大同小异的 。
之前 , 我一直认为这样的做法是不够新意的、执教者缺乏创新 。但我现在对创新这个问题有所改观 。这样的课堂虽说太过普遍 , 但它毕竟是符合小学生们的认知规律的 , 也是取的广大一线教师们所认可的 。这至少说明 , 这种模式在平日的课堂教学里还是有相当不错的教学效果的 。
小学英语课堂的教学 , 应该以保证教学效果为第一准则 。如果想要有所创新 , 也应该力求合理科学 , 这样的创新才会更有效果、更有说服力 。
July 25, 2012WednesdaySunny
At the very beginning, I was curious about the profeional practice and couldn’t wait to know what it is.Therefore, I asked some elders in our faculty.They told me that it’s very simple and all things you need to do were to finish the translation of the materials appointed by your teacher.Honestly speaking, I was of great disappointed at that time because it was far from my expectation.I did nothing about the profeional practice before I received the task from my supervisor.
About ten days ago, I received the materials I need to translate.What amazed me was that I need to interpret two English poems into Chinese.When I saw the two poems at the first sight I thought that I could not do it and it’s difficult to me.Then I calmed down myself and read them carefully.It’s truly that they were not easy fir me to translate in that there were too many new words in the poems and I could not understand their main ideas.What should I do?At last, I turned to the internet.As we all know, Internet is great tool which can help us do a lot of things and it is thought as the great library in the modern world.I thought that I could find some information useful there and then I begun to search on the internet.One of the poems is that A Good Knight In Prison.I only found that it was written by William Morris and the poem itself.There was no any information about its translation.The other poem, Another For The
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