往昔雪莱诗词 雪莱的《往昔》是怎样的一首诗( 五 )

The Past(1818)
Wilt thou forget the happy hours
Which we buried in Love's sweet bowers,
Heaping over their corpses cold
Blossoms and leaves, instead of mould?
Blossoms which were the joys that fell,
And leaves, the hopes that yet remain.[2]
Forget the dead, the past? Oh, yet
There are ghosts that may take revenge for it,
Memories that make the heart a tomb,
Regrets which glide through the spirit's gloom,
And with ghastly whispers tell
That joy, once lost, is pain.
你可会忘记那快乐的时刻 , 
对着那冰冷的尸体 , 我们铺了
不是青苔 , 而是叶子和鲜花 。
呵 , 鲜花是失去的快乐 , 
叶子是希望 , 还依然留贮 。
一些幽灵 , 会出来替它复仇!
它有记忆 , 会把心变为坟墓 , 
还有悔恨 , 溜进精神底浓雾
快乐一旦消失 , 就是痛苦 。

【往昔雪莱诗词 雪莱的《往昔》是怎样的一首诗】

《往昔》是英国诗人 雪莱(1792-1822)所作的诗 。雪莱是英国文学史上最有才华的抒情诗人之一 , 更被誉为诗人中的诗人 。其一生见识广泛 , 不仅是 柏拉图主义者 , 更是个伟大的 理想主义者 。创作的诗歌节奏明快 , 积极向上 。