
spring goeth all in whiterobert bridges 春之女神着素装罗伯特·布里季spring goeth all in white,crowned with milk-white may;in fleecy flocks of light,o'er heaven the white clouds stray;white butterflies in the air;white daisies prank the ground;the cherry and hoary pear,scatter their snow around. 春之女神着素装,山楂花冠乳白光;天上分明一群羊,白云朵朵自来往;粉蝶空中时蹁跹;廷命菊花饰郊原;樱桃梨树共争艳,四处非花如雪片 。补充:the river of lifethomas campbell 生命之川妥默司·康沫尔the more we live, more brief appearour life's succeeding stages;a day to childhood seems a year,and years like passing ages.the gladsome current of our youth,ere passion yet disorders,steals lingering like a river smooth,along its grassy borders.but as the care-worn cheets grow wan,and sorrow's shafts fly thicker,ye stars, that measure life to man,why seem your courses quicker?when joys have lost their bloom and breathand life itself is vapid,why, as we reach the falls of death,feel we its tide more rapid?it may be strange-yet who would changetime's coures to slower speeding,when one by one our friends have goneand left our bosoms bleeding?heaven gives our years of fading strengthindemnifying fleetness;and those of youth,a seeming length,proportion'd their sweetness.人生越老,岁月越短,生命的历程似在飞换;儿时的一天如同一载,一载如同几个朝代 。青春的热情尚未衰退,愉悦的流泉但觉迟迟,有如一道草原中的绿溪,静悄悄的蜿蜒着流泻 。但待颊上的红霞退尽,忧愁的征箭越飞越频,星星呦星星,你们大小司命,你们的运行为何越来越迅?当快感失去了花时和吸引,生命本身有如一个空瓶,当我快要临到死境,为什么退潮更加猛进?怪诞呀,可能是怪诞——谁要不想把日程放慢,友人的谢世接二连三,胸中的伤痛如荼如炭 。是天,使我们日渐衰竭的暮年得到迅速消失的补偿,是天,使青年时代的快乐,得到相应的貌似延长 。补充:to daffodilsrobert herrick 咏黄水仙花罗伯特·哈里克fair daffodils,we weep to seeyou haste away so soon;as yet the early-rising sunhas not attain'd his noon.stay,stay,until the hasting dayhas runbut to the even-song;and,having pray'd together, wewill go with you along.we have short time to stay, as you;we have as short a spring;as quick a growth to meet decay,as you,or anything.we die,as your hours do,and dryawaylike to the summer's rain,or as the pearls of morning's dew,ne'er to be found again.美的黄水仙,凋谢的太快,我们感觉着悲哀;连早晨出来的太阳都还没有上升到天盖 。停下来,停下来,等匆忙的日脚跑进 黄昏的木暮霭;在那时共同祈祷着,在回家的路上徘徊 。我们也只有短暂的停留,青春的易逝堪忧;我们方生也就方死,和你们一样,一切都要罢休 。你们谢了,我们也要去了,如同夏雨之骤,或如早上的露珠,永无痕迹可求 。补充:the daffodilswilliam wordsworth 黄水仙花威廉姆·华滋华斯i wander'd lonely as a cloudthat floats on hight o'er vales and hills,when all the once i saw a crowd,a host,of golden daffodils,beside the lake,beneath the trees,fluttering and dancing in the breeze.continuous as the stars that shine,and twinkle on the milky way,they stretch'd in never-ending linealong the margin of a day:ten thousand saw i at a glancetossing their heads in springtly dance.the waves beside them danced,but theyout-did the sparking waves in glee:a poet could not but be gayin such a jocund company!i grazed and grazed——but little thoughtwhat wealth the show to me had brought;for oft,when on my couch i liein vacant or in pensive mood,they flash upon that inward eyewhich is the bliss of solitude;and then my heart with pleasure fills,and dances with the daffodils.独行徐徐如浮云,横绝太空渡山谷,忽然在我一瞥中,金色水仙花成簇,开在湖边乔木下,微风之中频摇曳 。有如群星在银河,行影绵绵光灼灼,湖畔蜿蜒花径长,连成一线无断续 。一瞥之中万朵花,起舞蹁跹头点啄 。湖中碧水起涟漪,湖波踊跃无花乐——诗人对此殊激昂,独在花中事幽摅!凝眼看花又看花,当时未解伊何福 。晚来枕上意幽幽,无虑无忧殊恍惚 。情景闪烁心眼中,黄水仙赋禅悦;我心乃得意欢娱,同花公舞天上曲 。补充:a red,red roserobert burns 红玫瑰罗伯特·彭斯o my luve's like a red,red rosethat's newly spring in june:o my luve's like the melodiethat's sweetly play'd tune.as fair art thou,my bonnie lass.so deep in luve am i:and i will luve thee still,my dear,till a'the seas gang dry.till a'the seas gang dry,my dear,and the rocks melt wi'the sun;o i will luve thee still, my dear,while the sands o'life shall run.and fare thee week,my onlu luve!and fare thee awhile!and i will come again,my luve,tho'it were ten thousand mile.吾爱吾爱玫瑰红,六月初开韵晓风;吾爱吾爱如管弦,其声悠扬而玲珑 。吾爱吾爱美而珠,我心爱你永不渝,我心爱你永不渝,直到四海海水枯;直到四海海水枯,岩石融化变成泥,只要我还有口气,我心爱你永不渝 。暂时告别我心肝,请你不要把心耽!纵使相隔十万里,踏穿地皮也要还 。he that loves a rosy cheekthomas carew 真的美托默斯·加鲁he that loves a rosy cheekor a coral lip admires,or from star-like eyes doth seekfuel to maintain his fires;as old time makes these decay,so his flames must waste away.but a smooth and steadfast mind,gentle thoughts,and calm desires,hearts with equal love combined,kindle never-dying fires;——where these are not,i despiselovely cheek or lips or eyes.颊如玫瑰红,唇如珊瑚赤,星眼珠耀然,有人为之热;迟暮具凋零,热情亦衰竭 。心平气亦和,宁静而谦抑,一视能同仁,爱之永不灭;——世若无斯人,颊唇眼何益?补充:the rose in the windjames stephens 风中蔷薇花吉姆肆·斯弟芬司dip and swing,lift and sway;dream a life,in a dream,away.like a dreamin a sleepis the rosein the wind;and a fishin the deep;and a manin the mind;dreaming to lackall that is his;dreaming to gainall that he is.dreaming a life,in a dream,awaydip and swing,lift and sway.颤颤巍巍,颉之顽之;睡梦生涯,抑之扬之 。梦中之梦,风中之花,蔷薇颠倒,睡梦生涯 。水中有鱼,心中有君;鱼难离水,君是我心 。梦有所丧,丧其所有;梦其所得,得其自由 。睡梦生涯,抑之扬之,颤颤巍巍,颉之顽之 。treesjoyce kilmer 树菊叶斯·基尔默i think that i shall never seea poem lovely as a tree.a tree whose hungry mouth is prestagainsr the earth's sweet flowing breast;a tree that looks at god all day,and lifts her leafy arms to pry;a tree that may in summer weara nest of robins in her hair;upon whose bosom snow has lain;who intimately lives with rain.poems are made by fools like me,but only god can make a tree.我向,永远不会看到一首诗,可爱的如同一株树一样 。一株树,他的饥渴的嘴吮吸着大地的甘露 。一株树,他整日望着天高擎着叶臂,祈祷无语 。一株树,夏天在他的发间会有知更鸟砌巢居住 。一株树,白雪躺在他胸上,他和雨是亲密的伴侣 。诗是我辈愚人所吟,树只有上帝才能赋 。