
Gold and jade — which signify honor and virtue in Chinese culture — have been unveiled as the two key elements in the 2008 Beijing Olympic medals.
The winning design for the gold medal centers on three components in a center circle: the Beijing Olympic logo, the five Olympic rings and "Beijing 2008." This inner circle is surrounded by a ring of jade with a gold-plated rim on the outside.
有没有关于“life"的英文诗词呢? 。


急求 。
Life isn't always smooth. Life doesn't always have obstacles. Life isn't always happy. Life doesn't always have suffering. Sometimes life is smooth. Yet it also has obstacle. Sometimes life is happy. But sometimes life brings sadness. 人生不总是平坦的 。
人生不总是充满阻碍的 。
人生不总是开心的 。
人生不总是苦难的 。
有时侯人生是平坦的,虽然它仍会有障碍 。
有时侯人生是开心的,但有时候人生中也有悲伤 。
在一些外国的经典影片中有好多对老师的歌颂的台词,我们来看一下这些富含哲理的话语,祝福我们敬爱的老师.01.青春舞会皇后 “我愿意成为一名教师,因为教师是人类能够从事的最有价值的职业 。
” ——《青春舞会皇后》琳赛·罗韩扮演的罗拉 “I will be a teacher because being a teacher is the most worthy thing a person can be.” Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) – Lola (Lindsay Lohan)02.天之骄子 “一名真正伟大的教师没有什么可供名垂青史的 。
他的生命都用来影响到他人的人生轨迹中去 。
” ——《天之骄子》凯文·克莱恩扮演的威廉·汉德尔特 “A great teacher has little external history to record. His life goes over into other lives.” The Emperor's Club (2002) – Deepak Mehta (Rahul Khanna)03.生命因你动听 “教师有两个工作:传道授业是其一没错,但更重要的是,给充满知识的头脑指明方向,让那些知识不至于白白浪费了 。
” ——《生命因你动听》奥林匹亚·杜卡基斯扮演的海伦·雅各布 “A teacher has two jobs; fill young minds with knowledge, yes, but more important, give those minds a compass so that that knowledge doesn't go to waste.” Mr. Holland's Opus (1995) – Helen Jacobs (Olympia Dukakis)04.简·布罗迪小姐的青春 “我从事的这一事业,是要将智慧成熟的头脑,放到年轻稚嫩的肩上 。
” ——《简·布罗迪小姐的青春》玛姬·史密斯扮演的简·布罗迪 “I am in the business of putting old heads on young shoulders,” The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969) – Jean Brodie (Maggie Smith)05.乌龙教授 “要想着赚钱的话,就不会来当老师了 。
” ——《乌龙博士》罗宾·威廉姆斯扮演的菲利普博士 “If we were interested in making money, we wouldn't have become teachers.” Flubber (1997) – Phillip Brainard (Robin Williams)06.天之骄子 “期盼着,并深知,一个男孩会褪去自己的稚嫩,注定成长为一个男子汉 。
这是教师的责任” ——《天之骄子》凯文·克莱恩扮演的威廉·汉德尔特 “It is a teacher's burden always to hope, that with learning, a boy's character might be changed. And, so, the destiny of a man.” The Emperor's Club (2002) – William Hundert (Kevin Kline)07.国际机场 “他是教几何的 。
他总是说:‘你得从各个角度考虑问题 。
’” ——《国际机场》海伦·海丝扮演的阿达·奎尼萨 “He was a teacher of geometry. He always said: "You must consider every angle."” Airport (1970) – Ada Quonsett (Helen Hayes)08.塞边狼烟 “他总是在潜移默化中教会我很多东西 。
这是最奇妙的一点 。
” ——《塞边狼烟》芭芭拉·瑞克扮演的南希·德科 “He taught me without teaching. That's the best way.” Apache War Smoke (1952) – Nancy Dekker (Barbara Ruick)09.生命因你动听 “这一屋子的人的生命,个个经由您的点化,得以健康地长大成人 。
我们就是您谱写的交响乐,荷兰先生 。
我们就是您创作的旋律和音符 。
我们是您人生的乐章 。
” ——《生命因你动听》乔安娜·吉尔森扮演的格特鲁德·朗 “There is not a life in this room that you have not touched, and each of us is a better person because of you. We are your symphony Mr. Holland. We are the melodies and the notes of your opus. We are the music of your life.” Mr. Holland's Opus (1995) – Adult Gertrude Lang (Joanna Gleason)
1、I saw you smiled warmly The world began waking up 我看到你了 你笑的那么温暖 世界都亮了 2、I always remember that day, when I met you I love you 我一直都记得那一天 我见到了你 我就爱上了你 3、Without you However beautiful the city is It is just dull 没有了你 再美丽的城市在我眼里 都只是一座空城 4、I love three things:the sun ,the moon and you. The sun is for the day ,the moon is for the night and you forever. 我爱三样东西:太阳,月亮和你 太阳留给白天,月亮留给夜晚 而你是永远 4、Your practical jokes I pretended to be moved Because I wanted to see your smile 5、在你的恶作剧里 我故意中招 只是因为我想看你笑 6、Love is more than a word, it says so much. When I see these four letters, I almost feel your touch. This is only happened since I fell in love with you. Why this word does this, I haven't got a clue.爱不单是一个字,它还代表了许多意涵 。