前台文员应聘中英文面试自我介绍怎么写?( 二 )

Therefore, I hope your company can give me a platform to display myself. At the same time, please believe that your choice is right! I must live up to expectations.
我叫xx,今年24岁,是xxx大学中文系汉语言文学专业的应届毕业生,今天我想应聘的是贵公司的网络文员职位 。
我为人诚实守信、安静祥和,平时最爱看看书上上网听听音乐,我的同学都说我是最适合读中文的人 。上大学时偏爱现当代文学,最爱看潘军的作品,特别是他的《手势与独白》三部曲;而张爱玲、张小娴、安妮宝贝等也是我偏爱的一些作家,她们的文集前前后后我倒也看得差不多了 。因为专业关系与个性的偏好,另外一些现当代的名家我也是很关注的,像贾平凹、林语堂、格非、阿来、马原、王蒙、张洁等,具有良好的文学素养 。
自小学六年级以来,一直有坚持写日记的习惯,偶尔有情致时,我也会写写小文章练练笔,师范专业的我在学校通过专业学习与教师技能的培训、测试,实习时也真枪实弹地给学生们上过十来堂的语文课,自我感觉口头表达能力还是不错的 。但是,我自认为,我的书面表达能力较口头表达能力更强 。
我也是爱读诗的,我的毕业论文设计的题目是《论“第三代”诗的创作追求》,通过近一年的阅读、收集资料与具体的写作,这让我在大学最后的时间里对现代先锋诗歌的认识更为全面了 。另外,席慕容的诗我也看了不少,曾经就很为她的一首《一棵开花的树》着迷,甚至写下了读后感类的文章,惹得一男人感动了,不住地游说我,傻傻地说:你去当作家,好么?并坚信如果我能一直坚持写下去,终有一天能成为作家的 。
总的来说,我自认为我是完全符合贵公司招聘网络文员的要求——“有良好的书写、表达,以及文章的鉴赏能力” 。可能,目前我没有多少的工作经验,但是我年轻,学习能力强,也愿意刻苦学习,我完全相信自己能胜任这一份工作!
因此,我希望贵公司能给我一个发挥展示自己的平台,同时,也请你相信,你们的选择,是对的!我一定不负众望 。


I am an ordinary student from other places. I am lively, hardworking and good at communication. I have participated in advertising activities in my hometown every year, and my major is related to advertising. My PS technology is not bad, I dont know what your requirements are, but I believe I need your help and guidance in the process of working at the same time.
Work content: Euro gold crude oil intraday operation in 1997 entered the stock market in 2009 began to do foreign exchange for 13 years
I will not exaggerate my ability. However, if I am given the opportunity to enter your company, I will study hard and do my job well. Thank you. I am outgoing and responsible. I graduated from junior college and majored in logistics management. I use my spare time to study accounting. I have obtained the qualification certificate of accounting. I am familiar with common office software such as word and excel Married with child