前台文员应聘中英文面试自我介绍怎么写?( 六 )

A lot of people think that the job of a clerk looks simple, but I dont think so. Clerks shoulder a very important task, is responsible for the companys daily affairs in an orderly manner, can be said to play an important coordination work. I have the confidence to be qualified for this job. In the future work, I will bring more expectations to the company and continue to grow. At the same time will also strive to improve their ability, so that they can complete this work more outstanding!
Thank you!
我是xxx,毕业于xxx大学xxx专业 。我是一个性格开朗的人,有较强的团队沟通意识和职业操守,对待工作也很认真负责,我相信这也是从事文员工作最基础的一点 。除此之外,我的打字速度能达到每分钟80字以上,并且能够熟练的运用Office办公软件 。
很多人都会觉得文员的工作看上去很简单,但是我并不这样认为 。文员肩负了一个很重大的任务,就是负责让公司的日常事务井井有条的进行,可以说发挥着一个重要的协调工作 。我有这份自信能够胜任这份工作 。在今后的工作中,我会给公司带来更多的期望,不断成长 。同时也会努力完善提高自己的能力,让自己能够把这份工作完成的更加出色!