前台文员应聘中英文面试自我介绍怎么写?( 五 )

When dealing with the superior, we should maintain the prestige and image of the leading members, respect the leaders and actively cooperate with the leadership work; maintain the unity within the leadership, ask for instructions or report work in strict accordance with the division of responsibilities of the leading members, and do not overstep the level to ask for instructions, and do not say anything that is not conducive to unity.
When dealing with the communication between junior colleagues, we should express our opinions with equal status, consultative attitude and discussion tone, solicit each others views, and jointly seek the best solution to the problem; we should convey our own opinions to the other party in a suggestive attitude and humble language, so as to achieve the goal of coordination.
In terms of personal professional skills, I used my spare time to obtain a diploma in adult education administration from Xuzhou radio and Television University. Now I want to seek an enterprise that attaches importance to civilian work and seeks stable development. If your company needs a pioneering talent who obeys the management and can strictly abide by the rules and regulations, then I am full of confidence in the application and hope to have the opportunity to grow and develop with your company! Xiangxin, we each others correct choice, will be able to create fruitful results!
The above is my most sincere interview self introduction, thank you examiners!
本人从小培养了吃苦耐劳、诚信守则、积极进取的精神,通过两年文员实践工作,我认为办公室文员的基本素质是踏实肯干,灵活机动,细致周全,积极上进 。要有不怕苦不怕累的精神,办事要公道忠于职守并在工作中努力掌握各项技能 。
对待上级要维护领导成员的威信和形象,尊敬领导,积极配合领导工作;维护领导层内部的团结,请示或汇报工作,应严格按领导成员职责分工进行,不越级请示,不利于团结的话、闲话、气话不说 。
对待下级同事间的交流要以平等身份、商量的态度、探讨的口气发表自己的意见,征求对方的看法,共同寻求解决问题的最佳办法;以建议的态度、谦逊的语言将自己的意见转告给对方,以达到协调的目的 。
在个人职业技能方面,我利用工作期间的空闲时间,取得了徐州广播电视大学成人教育行政管理专业的文凭 。现在想要寻求一家重视文职工作,谋求稳定发展的企业,若贵公司需要一位服从管理,能严守规章制度的有开拓性的人才,那么我充满信心的应聘,希望有机会与贵公司一起成长和发展!相心我们彼此正确的选择一定能够创造丰硕业绩!


Good morning, interviewers!
I am xxx, graduated from XXX University, XXX major. I am an outgoing person with strong sense of team communication and professional ethics. I am also very serious and responsible for my work. I believe this is also the most basic point for engaging in clerical work. In addition, my typing speed can reach more than 80 words per minute, and can skillfully use office software.