
您们好!能够从无数应聘者中脱颖而出进入最后的面试 , 自信心让我感觉到离成功的距离又近了一步!
我是福建师范大学协和学院人力资源管理专业的毕业生 , 四年的学院生活磨练出一个自信和上进心强的我 。在大学期间 , 我一直信守做事尽心尽力的原则 , 努力学习文化知识 , 刻苦钻研专业技能 , 积极投入实践 , 全面充实和发展自己并取得一定的成绩 。
通过四年的专业学习 , 我深深地喜爱自己的专业 。专业的学习让我熟知人力资源管理的知识 , 包括员工的招聘、培训、绩效考评及薪酬管理等方面 。同时 , 经过努力我拿到了人力资源管理师资格证、大学英语四六级证书、以及计算机一级与二级证书 , 熟练掌握Word、Excel、Powerpoint、Photoshop等办公软件 , 并能独立管理维护企业网站 。除此之外 , 我还在大一学年拿到了国家机动车C1驾驶证 。
此外我积极参加社会实践活动 , 锻炼自己的专业技能 , 增长自己的专业知识 , 并达到了一定的效果 。通过一系列的校内外活动 , 我也逐渐把握了人交往和沟通的技巧 , 学会了如何使自己处于一个融洽的人际关系中 。通过在校的学习我深深体会到理论指导实践的含义 , 并且确实以这个准则要求自己 。
四年的学习中 , 我不仅锻炼了自己的工作能力 , 组织能力 , 更在老师的教育下学习懂得了如何做人 。坚强自信的我 , 会勇敢的迎接未来激烈的挑战 。在这里应聘贵公司的人力资源主管职位 , 是想将自己的所学得到充分发挥 , 并在这里学习成长 。真诚希望成为贵公司其中一员 。我会用自己勤勉的汗水与同仁一道为公司的锦绣前程奋斗不息 , 奉献我年轻的热忱和才智 , 并且在实践中不断学习、进步!
I graduated from university since 20xx, has been pany human resources department, the first post of the post is ahrspecialist, then the head of employee relations, at present is mainly responsible for pensation and benefits. Our pany is xx groups regional sales headquarters in mainland China, the main products are laptop, tablet, all-in-one PC, mobile phone, motherboard, graphics CARDS, optical drive, display, etc.
My pany, is engaged in the daily personnel mercial insurance, etc. Since 20xx, my supervisor is responsible for all salary panys salary pany of these five years, I various aspects ability have been greatly improved. Especially in human resource management, bine theory pleted a number of revision of the rules and regulations, including "employee handbook", "on a business trip abroad management method", "petent expatriate management method", "performance appraisal munication and coordination pany, reducing the loss of pany, maintain the good image of the enterprise. Carefully from the beginning, and then in an orderly pany unceasingly, the increase of the turnover, found that the panys existing pensation system, there are many disadvantages according to the requirement of the headquarters in Taipei, panys research, learning their methodology, bined pany, apply to the pensation system reform. Our jobs, skill levels, according to the staff to master degree, performance evaluation of personnel to reclassify such as grading, do personnel and post matching. Wait staff as nepany provides industry data at the time, to develop a nepany employees pay level is not lopany more petitive, at the same time have a greater incentive to employees. This adjustment is a large-scale reform, it involves human resource planning, recruitment, training, pensation, benefits, employee relations and so on various aspects, is a good learning opportunity for me, let me have a chance to reviepanys pensation system, but also consolidated the knobat experience, also promoted the theoretical level, make oneself can in the field of human resources pensation management and enterprise strategy management process, familiar munity. I love the team activities, have a very strong team cooperation consciousness, during the period of school also served as captain of the football team in the area, has a strong organization and coordination ability. Strong dedication and sense of responsibility that I can face any difficulties and challenges.