
本书的作者 , 夏洛蒂·勃朗特曾经说过:我们的精神是平等的 , 就像我们的灵魂穿过坟墓 , 站在上帝面前 , 彼此平等 。我非常认同她的想法 , 人与人本来就应该是平等的 。
小说中的简 , 从小失去父母 , 寄养在舅母家 , 受尽了欺负 。这本不应该是幼小的她所应该承受的 。过度的'受虐 , 进一步萌了她的反抗意识 。她曾经说过:“当我无缘无故挨打时 , 我们应该狠狠地回击……”是啊 , 人与人既然是平等的 , 就不能肆无忌惮地侮辱人的人格 , 也不能随随便便动手打人 。
古时候的封建社会 , 为什么一定要有奴隶制制度 , 难道那些当奴隶的就不是人吗?我承认给帝皇下跪也是一种礼仪 , 那难道他们不知道男儿膝下有黄金吗?这一系列的奴隶制政策 , 就是在给人划分等级 , 要知道人既然是平等的 , 为什么还要分地位 , 分品级!也许这只是当时的人们不懂得应该敢于追求人人平等而造成的后果 。
现在是21世纪 , 社会制度有了明显的改善 , 官员们不再像以前一样利用自身的等级高低来威吓老百姓 , 而是帮助老百姓提高生活水平 , 把老百姓当作是一家人 。这都是百年以来人们敢于追求平等的体现 。
正如简所说:“当我无缘无故挨打时 , 我们应该狠狠地回击!”
I am a domestic enterprise warehouse keeper, in this company for four years, from a graduate do not understand anything to the current four years Cangguan experience of the "old man", I thank the company for my training, thank my colleagues They helped me at work.Think back to their own student life, as if in sight.The following is my work self-evaluation:
In graduation, I graduated with honors, the first job to find the xxx company warehouse management work, and my profeional counterparts, I feel very lucky.I have a solid profeional knowledge in school, excellent academic performance; have a strong organizational coordination, planning activities and public relations capacity; has a good team spirit, good communication and collaboration with people.
For the modern warehouse management, is basically the concept of management, operation has been very mature, but as a warehouse staff must master the operation erp, Invoicing and other software I have a hard time, so into the company\\'s When using the office software / erp operation, I am far better than the other competing staff.I always thought I was a calm, outgoing, strong learning ability of people, while understanding the basic marketing and some economic aspects of knowledge.