仓库保管员工作的自我评价( 三 )

First: out of storage management, see a single operation, how can send and receive, on what basis to send and receive documents, conscientiously verified, careful inventory, handover, face to face signature; seriously according to strict procedures.
Second: the order management, warehouses play part of the control function, understanding of safety stock, working capital, the highest stock, procurement of bulk, closely follow up each item Invoicing, timely submiion of material shortage purchase; Can continue to supply the production line, on the one hand to ensure that reduce inventory, on the one hand take into account the procurement cycle and procurement costs, to find a balance, statistics of each material of the month to receive with the law, understanding the purchase of economic volume and cycle, comprehensive analysis, continuousattention.
Fourth: 5S management, the basis of on-site management work, as important as the warehouse management, warehousing fixed-point quantitative principle is to do a good job rectification work, warehouses warehouses in charge of the claification of goods, sorted out, warehouse Many items, in the delivery of storage and delivery of various types of activities, the need for an orderly and tidy work environment, and only do a good job sorting and cleaning work in order to ensure the efficiency and quality of these efforts.Warehouse management is a long-term repetitive work, it is neceary to develop a good habit, every day to do a good job, Niin clean, 5S literacy to have a very big help.
Fifth: FIFO management is one of the three principles of warehouse management, not the implementation of FIFO can easily lead to overstock, easy to produce goods deterioration, easy to produce engineering changes the risk of scrapping.The implementation of FIFO approach to the colored standard method, dual-zone shift method of goods, gravity method, the most stringent accounting records recount method.


本人是一家国内企业的仓库保管员 , 在这家公司服务了四年 , 从一个什么都不懂的毕业生到现在四年仓管经验的“老人” , 我感谢公司对我的培养 , 感谢同事们在工作上对我的帮助 。回想自己的学生生涯 , 好像就在眼前 。以下就是本人的工作的自我评价:
在毕业那年 , 我以优异的成绩毕业 , 第一份工作就找到了xxx公司仓管的工作 , 而且和我的专业对口 , 我感觉自己非常的幸运 。在学校我的专业知识扎实 , 学习成绩优异;有较强的组织协调能力、活动策划能力和公关能力;具有良好的团队精神 , 善于与人沟通和协作 。
对于现代化的仓管工作 , 基本上是理念管理 , 操作方面已经非常的成熟 , 但是作为一个仓管员必须要掌握的操作erp , 进销存等软件我都下了苦功夫 , 所以在进公司的时候运用办公软件/erp操作 , 我也远胜其他竞聘的人员 。我一直认为自己是一个沉着稳重 , 性格外向 , 学习能力强有较强的人 , 同时了解基础的市场营销学和一些经济方面的知识 。