转让技术秘密和补偿贸易合作生产协议( 八 )

c. overall dimensions ,  installation dimensions ,  and performance data of the acceories used by the contracted products.
(2)products design drawing:
products design drawings of the contract products supplied by part b ,  shall inclued:
a. a complete set of production drawings of the contracted products (including the final aembly drawings ,  components drawings ,  system diagram ,  principle diagram ,  and detailed drawings of all components);
b. the calculating data and calculation manual of the contracted products;
c. drawings ,  calculating manual and other data given to the claification societies and certificate iued by the claification societies;
d. test platform design drawings and its technical documents.
(3)manufacturing technical documentation:
manufacturing technical documentation of the contracted products provided by part b shall include: the whole detailed instructive documentation and main components for the manufacturing of the contracted products ,  which shall include: requirements of quality inspection means ,  procees and technical conditions of acceptance test to the raw materials and components of the contracted products during and after the manufacturing procees.
(4)modification of documentation:
if the documentation to be supplied is modified by site as a result of using new technology to improve the products ,  procees and reduce the cost ,  the detailed information shall be submitted to part a in written form.
(5)mode of providing documentation:
a. for general technical documentation ,  three prints of three legible copies should be provided;
b. for design drawings ,  one manufacturing transparency and two prints shall be provided;
c. for manufacturing technical documentation ,  two prints shall be provided;
d. the duplicated documentation ,  which had been supplied before ,  can be exemped ,  but must be noted in the list.
(6)delivery schedule of documentation:
a. according to the definition of documentation ,  in order to facilitate the manufacturer of medium speed marine main engine of type 12v600zc ,  site shall submit to part a the whole technical documentation and drawings of the contracted products before_________$$$after the signing of the contract.
1.3 the products manufactured by part a shall be resold to part b as follows:
medium speed marine engine of type 12vproduction with compensation trade is two years.should the conditions for establishing a jointfreightbillof thesecondbatchof documentationdeliveredbypart bon_________ ,  _________ , pursuant to stipulations in appendix_________;
(2)part b commercial invoice in duplicate;
(3)part b sight draft in duplicate.