关于鲜花的英文唯美短句 鲜花语录英文短句图片( 七 )

.让睁眼看着玫瑰的人,也看看它的刺 。——泰戈尔
Let the man who opens his eyes to the rose look at its thorns. ——Tagore
玫瑰花未开的时候 , 花蕾穿着一层绿色的外衣 。又过了几天,花蕾顶破了外衣,露出了花瓣 。一开始,由最外层的花瓣向外伸展 , 而里边的几层花瓣还紧紧地合拢在一起,渐渐地 , 花蕾继续脱了绿色的外衣,整朵玫瑰终于绽开了 。这朵花是粉红色,像一个穿着粉红色衣裙的少女,可爱中又带着羞涩 , 美丽极了 。
When the rose is not open, the bud is wearing a green coat. A few days later, the top of the bud broke its coat and showed its petals. At first, the outer petals stretched out, while the inner petals were tightly closed together. Gradually, the bud continued to take off the green coat, and the whole rose finally opened. This flower is pink, like a girl in pink dress, lovely and shy, beautiful.
.人生并非充满了玫瑰花 , 倒是有时路上的荆棘刺痛了你 。——巴尔扎克
Life is not full of roses, but sometimes thorns on the road hurt you. ——Balzac
.世上本没有红色的玫瑰是谁用茎上的刺割破手腕鲜血滴答和着眼泪染红了这雪白的花蕾从此每当一颗心碎地上便盛开一朵血红的玫瑰 。——张爱玲
No red rose in the world. Who cut the wrist with the thorn on the stem? Blood ticking and tears stained the snow-white flower bud red. From then on, a red rose blooms on the heartbreak ground. ——Zhang Ailing
.我宁愿桌子上有玫瑰,不愿颈上缀钻石 。——戈德曼
I would rather have roses on the table than diamonds on my neck. ——Goldman
.孩子灵魂的丰富创造,补偿了母亲灵魂的日渐贫乏 。青春是玫瑰花坏,老年如荆棘王冠 。——希伯莱
The rich creation of children's soul compensates for the growing poverty of mother's soul. Youth is the rose, old age is the crown of thorns. ——Hebrew
玫瑰花一朵有一朵的姿势 。看看这一朵亭亭玉立犹如一位美少女;看看那一朵还是花骨朵儿看起来马上要破裂似的 。当清晨的时候 , 晶莹的露珠在叶子间滚动,阳光下闪闪发亮 。玫瑰花像一个戴着珍珠项链的美丽少女在微风中竟相展示自已的舞姿 , 阵阵清香扑鼻而来,沁人肺腑,使人心旷神怡 。
A rose has a pose. Look at this one, it looks like a beautiful girl; look at that one, it looks like it's going to burst. When the morning, crystal dew rolling between the leaves, the sun shining. Like a beautiful girl wearing a pearl necklace, the rose shows her dancing posture in the breeze. The fragrance comes from the rose, which is refreshing and refreshing.
.我的朋友 , 你是在这荒凉的世界为我而开放的温馨的玫瑰 。把我深深的忧郁藏在你这位朋友之心的深处吧!——杜伽尔