关于鲜花的英文唯美短句 鲜花语录英文短句图片( 八 )

My friend, you are the warm rose that opens for me in this desolate world. Hide my deep melancholy in the heart of your friend! ——Dugar
.天上永远不会掉下玫瑰来,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己种植 。——艾略特
. roses will never fall from the sky. If you want more roses, you must plant them by yourself. ——Eliot
.名字本身有什么呢?我们叫做玫瑰的那种花,换个其它名字闻起来也一样芬芳 。——雨果
What is the name itself? The flower we call rose *** ells just as fragrant under another name. -- Hugo
.虽然人能长得玫瑰一样美丽,但她的美貌终有一天要消失 。——史文朋
Although a person can grow as beautiful as a rose, her beauty will disappear one day. ——Swinburne
现在正是玫瑰盛开的季节,远远望去 , 深绿色的枝叶间增添了几朵粉红色的花朵 。走进一看,一片片花瓣层层叠叠 。阵阵清香扑鼻而来,沁人肺腑,使人陶醉 。花香引来了蜜蜂和蝴蝶 , 热闹极了!
It's the season when roses are in full bloom. Looking from afar, there are several pink flowers added between the dark green branches and leaves. Walk into a look, a piece of petals layer upon layer. Bursts of fragrance come from the nose, refreshing and intoxicating. The fragrance of flowers brings bees and butterflies. It's very lively!
.名声是无味的向日葵 , 戴着一顶华丽而俗不可耐的金冠;友谊则是鲜润的玫瑰花,褶褶瓣瓣散发着沁人的芳香 。——霍姆斯
. fame is the tasteless sunflower, wearing a gorgeous and vulgar golden crown; friendship is the fresh rose, the pleated petals exude the refreshing fragrance. ——Holmes
我把鼻子靠近花朵,就闻到了一股扑鼻的清香 。玫瑰新长出来的叶子是嫩红的,是锯齿形的,摸起来不扎手 , 可是长大了的叶子很扎手 。其实它的茎上也有刺 。所以人们常说“带刺的玫瑰”
I put my nose close to the flowers, and I could *** ell the fragrance. The new rose leaves are tender red, zigzag, not tied to the touch, but the grown leaves are very tied. Actually, there are thorns on its stem. So people often say "rose with thorns"
玫瑰花虽然多姿多彩,红的胜火,粉的似霞,白的洁白淡雅……但是她并不像牡丹那样雍容富贵;不像桂花那样十里飘香;也不像菊花那样傲然屹立;更不像梅花那样有姿有态,她 , 是平凡无奇的,只因为人们把她和神圣的爱情联系在一起,才让她赋予了一层神秘的色彩,才会被迁徙出众香国里 , 孤独地独置一隅,寂寞地妍放着 。
Although the roses are colorful, the red is better than the fire, the pink is like the rosy clouds, and the white is white and elegant... But she is not as elegant as peony, not as fragrant as o *** anthus, not as lofty as chrysanthemum, not as graceful as plum blossom, she is ordinary, only because people associate her with sacred love, it gives her a layer of mysterious color, and then she will be moved to the fragrant country, alone in a corner, and put in a lonely place.