送髋什么意思,送髋是什么意思,髋是哪里?( 二 )

重心转移到…transfer weight onto
重心移至左脚 transfer weight onto left foot
重心称到左脚 shift weight onto left foot
重心移到右腿 weight moves onto right leg
左(右) 拳收回腰际 draw left (right) fist back to hip
与…在一直线上 in line with
向…位置落步 land at
收回…位置 retrieve to; return to
两脚分开与肩同宽 feet shoulder-wieth apart
想像性格斗对练 fight against an imaginary opponent
空中转体180度 turning body 180 degrees in the air
以拧腰带动扫腿 use waist as driving force for leg sweep
以…为轴 using … as pivot
以右脚为轴 using right foot as pivot
以左肘为轴 using left elbow as pivot
单脚直立旋转 one-foot upright spin
以前脚掌着地 land on the ball of the foot
基本站立姿势 fundamental stance
左(右) 腿蹬直 left (right) leg straightened
蹬直左(右) 腿 straighten left (right) leg
左(右)手划弧 circle left (right) hand
改变劲力方向 change direction of force
眼睛随视双掌 eyes follow both palms
两脚平行开立 feet apart and parallel
腹式呼吸法 abdominal breathing exercise
爆发式吸吸 explosive breathing
身械不协调 body and weapon not to coordinate
讲解与示范 explain and demonstrate
集中注意力 concentrate one’s attention
眼向前平视 eyes look straight ahead
眼看…方向 eyes look to…
力达…部位 concentrate power at; force is focused at …
抓住…不放 hold on to sth.
前臂斜交叉 cross forearm diagonally
臂部呈弧形 the curved arm
自然深呼吸 deep and natural breathing
转体不充分 incomplete body turn
弧形步上跳 leap in curved step
以…为轴 pivot on
以脚跟为轴 pivot on heel
以脚掌为轴 pivot on the ball of foot
以脚为轴转身 foot pivot
以腰为轴 waist serves as axis
以全脚掌着地 with sole flat on ground
左脚全脚着地 with left foot flat on the floor
两脚全脚着地 with both feet flat on the ground
在…前面 in front of
在…体前 in front of body
经…内侧 passing to the inside of…
经…外侧 passing to the outside of…
身体疲劳 physical fatigue; physical strain
精神集中 concentration
全神贯注 focus on
全身放松 relax whole body
热身准备 warm up and get ready
准备活动 warm-up; limber up
准备动作 preparation movement
眼随剑走 eyes follow sword
动作组合 combination movements
动作示范 demonstration of the movement
动作分析 movement analysis
动作难度 movement difficulty
动作次序 movement sequence
动作规格 movement specification (i.e. standard)
动作结构 structure of movement