送髋什么意思,送髋是什么意思,髋是哪里?( 四 )

手与脚合 integration of hands and feet
用脚背踢 kick with the back of foot
用脚尖踢 kick with the tip of foot
踢打摔拿 kick, strike, throwing and grasping
瞻前顾后 look ahead and beware of the back
眼看前方 look forward
向前平视 look straight ahead
转体90度 turn body 90 degrees
转移重心 shift weight
转腰不充分 waist not turned sufficiently
保持不动 remain stationary
分解练习 segment drills
分解动作 segment movement
自我放松 self-relaxation
静心聚神 serene heart and concentrated mind
重心前移 shift weight forward
短冲训练 short-term intensive training
短期课程 short-term course
高与肩平 shoulder height
与肩同宽 shoulder width=”360px”,height=”auto” />
单臂绕环 single arm circle
单个动作 single movement
单势练习 single posture exercise
上体后坐 sit back (on hips)
抖腕亮掌 snap wrist and flash palm
具体动作 specific movement
专项技术 specific technique
专项训练 specific training
速度训练 speed training
技术训练 technical training
立身中正 stand straight and centered
并步直立 stand upright with feet together
开步站立 stand with feet apart
右腿蹬直 straighten right leg
右脚起跳 take-off on right foot
技术特点 technical characteristics; technical features
技术水平 technical level
胸式呼吸 thoracic breathing
脚跟外蹬 heels outward; heel pushed out
脚趾抓地 toes grasp the ground
脚尖内扣 toes inward
脚微内扣 toes pointing slightly inward
脚尖外撇 toes outward
脚尖外展 toes pointed outward; toes turned out
脚尖点地 toes on ground
脚内扣 foot turned inward
脚外展 foot turned outward
脚跟转向里 turn heel inward
过渡动作 transition movement
上体后倾 (trunk) leaning backward
上体后倾 (trunk) leaning forward
上体正直 trunk upright
跌扑滚翻练习 tumbling exercise
前臂内旋 turn forearm inward
前臂外旋 turn forearm outward
典型错误 typical fault
统一规格 the unified standard
高与肩平 up to shoulder level; shoulder high
高与腰齐 waist high;
配合协调 well coordinated
腰部练习 waist exercise
腰如中轴 waist like an axle
上动不停 without stopping previous movement
腕部动作 wrist action; wrist movement
手腕交叉 wrists crossed
运动量 training load
绷脚面 toes pointing slightly inward
格斗术 fighting arts; fighting techniques; combat skill
攻防术 the art of offence and defense
勾脚尖 hook foot; ankle joint flexed
反关节 bend joint backward
身似弓 body like a bow