送髋什么意思,送髋是什么意思,髋是哪里?( 五 )

走弧线 circular movement
深呼吸 deep breathing
腋下空 empty armpits
肘微屈 bend elbows slightly; elbow slightly bent
外三合 external three conformities
内三合 internal three conformities
面对面 face to face; facing each other
头正直 head erect; head straight or upright
轮换做 do it alternately
承上势 continue from the previous movement
高姿势 in a high position
低姿势 in a low position
呈弧形 in an arc
反方向 opposite direction
反绕环 reverse circle
逆方向 reverse direction
俯卧撑 push-up
向外推 push out
向上推 push off
向前推 push forward
向下推 push down
向下压 press down
后转身 rear pivot; reverse pivot
放松踢 relaxed kicking
单手操 single movement practice
支撑腿 standing leg; supporting leg
侧迈步 take a step sideways
上半步 take half a step
上下肢 upper and lower limbs
前跳步 forward jump step
划圆 describe a circle
划弧 describe a curve
插步 back cross step
滚翻 somersault
腾空 in flight
起跳 take off
起跳脚 take-off foot
身型 body form
身法 body technique; body work
眼法 eye technique; eye work
步法 footwork; foot technique
手法 handwork; hand technique
指法 finger technique; finger work
握拳 make a fist; clench the fist
发声 make a sound
团身 body tucks
俯身 bend forward
弓背 to arch back; back arched
拔背 pick up back; back straight
挺胸 chest (thrust) out
含胸 relax chest; hollow chest; draw chest in
鼓腰 arch lower back
塌腰 drop waist
收拳 pull fist back
收腿 pull back the leg
收腹 pull in abdomen (i.e. squeeze or contract abs)
收髋 hips in
收胯 draw hips in; withdraw hips
收左脚 withdraw left foot
收臀 buttocks (tucked) in; tuck in bottom
敛臀 keep buttocks in
蹶臀 buttocks raised; raise hips
落臀 drop hips; buttocks lowered
送髋 hips pushed forward
挺髋 hips thrust out
挺腹 bow out abdomen (i.e. extend or expand abs)
圆裆 round crotch area; round inner thigh
尖裆 pointed crotch area
夹裆 squeezed crotch area
松胯 hips relaxed
松肩 relax shoulders
松腰 relax waist
松握 hold loosely
敛胯 tuck in hips
沉髋 sink hips; hips lowered
沉胯 drop hips
沉肩 drop shoulders
分腿 legs apart
分力 separated force
并腿 legs together
抬腿 lift leg
抬头 raise head
抬肘 lift up elbow; elbow up
屈膝 bend knees; knees bent
屈肘 bend elbow; elbow bent
垂肘 elbow down
扬肘 raise elbow; elbow raised;
乍肘 elbow out; expand elbow