送髋什么意思,送髋是什么意思,髋是哪里?( 三 )

动作标准 standard of movement
动作组合 series (sequence, combination) of movements
动作幅度 range of movement
动作感觉 feel of movement
动作质量 quality of movement
动作节奏 rhythm of movement
动静结合 combine movement and stillness
内外结合 combine internal and external
神形兼备 combine mind and body
圆形动作 circular movement
向上划弧 circle up
向后摆动 back swing
转腕旋膀 circle arms and rotation wrists
双手叉腰 hands on hips; with arms akimbo
双臂环绕 double arms circle
双手抓握 double grip
后腿蹬地 push off rear leg; push off the ground with back foot
腿部动作 leg movement
摆腿速度 leg-swing speed
摆动幅度 range of swing
两腿交叉 legs crossed
两肘松垂 relax and drop elbows
屈膝微蹲 bend knees and squad down slightly
上体前俯 bend upper body forward
借力发力 borrow opponent’s force and use it against him
拳势呼吸 breathing following movement
呼吸节奏 breathing rhythm
左右转换 alternating left and right
挺胸立腰 chest thrust out and waist erect
握紧拳头 clench fist
咬紧牙关 clench teeth
易犯错误 common error
同时完成 complete at the same time
完全放松 completely relaxed
关节松开joint open
放松肌肉 relax muscles
力达脚尖 concentrate force at toes
步伐错乱 wrong and confused footwork
连续动作 consecutive movement
示范动作 demonstration
多余动作 extra movement
单个动作 single movement; element of movement; each move of the movement
沉肩坠肘 drop shoulders and elbows
双膝微屈 bend knees slightly; knees slightly bent
屈膝松胯 bend knees and relax hips
自然呼吸 natural breathing; breathe naturally
肌肉力量 muscular strength
肌肉控制 muscle control
肌肉放松 muscle relaxation
训练过度 overtrain
保持平衡 keep (body) balance
握拳姿势 fist form
用劲方法 methods of applying force
充分伸展 fully extended
掌心向内 palm facing in
掌心向外 palm facing out
拳眼向上 the eye of the fist facing up
拳眼向下 the eye of the fist facing down
足趾抓地 grasping the ground with toes
力达脚尖 power reaches the toe
力达脚跟 power is focused at heel
后脚拔跟 heels of rear foot off ground
后蹬有力 powerful of the pushing off with the rear foot
勾尖向上 hook pointing up
心与意合 integration of Xin (i.e. mind) and Yi (i.e. will)
意与气合 integration of Yi and Qi
气与力合 integration of Qi and Li (i.e. force)
肩与髋合 integration of shoulders and hips
肩臂练习 shoulder and arm exercise
肘与膝合 integration of elbows and knees