《三上》阅读答案附翻译怎么写?( 六 )

The last man I would like to play che with is a man with too much self-control.When he sees a huge piece of his position taken by his opponent (as in Go), or a chariot, lost to his opponent through an erroneous move (as in Chinese che), he remains calm and unruf?ed, as
you feel ?at and insipid.A real gentleman seldom contests with others; he will, however, seek to do his opponent down in a game of che.When you put him on the spot, you can expect to see blue veins standing out on his temples and drops of cold sweat the size of soybean appearing on his forehead.He will either wear a warm smile on his long face, or purse his lips in displeasure, or scratch his head, or let out a sharp cry, or sigh and groan, or bitterly repent his folly, or keep hiccupping unceasingly, or ?ush crimson with shame, and such like.And at such a moment, feeling care-free, you can light a cigarette or just take a sip from your teacup and savor the signs of your opponent ’s discomfort.The pleasure you have from it, I believe, is by no means le than that a hunter gets from a deadbeat rabbit at his mercy.And from this I have found out something—when engaged in a game of che, you should resort to every conceivable means to embarra your opponent, and try hard to remain calm when you yourself fall into dif?culty.If you are unable to cause your opponent to suffer, why not try to let him ?nd as little pleasure as poible from your trouble? Paage 4 隐逸的生活似乎在传统意识中一直被认为是幸福的至高境界 。但这种孤傲遁世同时也是孤独的,纯粹的隐者实属少数,而少数者的满足不能用来解读普世的幸福模样。
有道是小隐隐于野,大隐隐于市。真正的幸福并不隐逸,可以在街市而不是丛林中去寻找 。晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆 。那煎鸡蛋的“刺啦”声袅袅升起,空气中开始充斥着稚嫩的童音、汽车启动的节奏、夫妻间甜蜜的道别,还有邻居们简单朴素的问好 。( 节选自《新民晚报》2009年11月19日) 背景介绍
意皆美,犹如一幅随意浸染的写意画,旨在唤起身处在物质财富日趋丰富、人际关系渐趋淡漠的现代社会中的人们对简单却又充满人情味的岁月的美好回忆 。正如美国散文家罗纳德? 邓肯(Ronald Duncan)所言:“It would seem that happine is something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure from the simplest things.” 。难点解析
1.隐逸的生活: “隐逸的”意为“隔绝的”,故译为 “a secluded life” 。2.幸福的至高境界:the supreme state of happine 。
3.孤傲遁世:意为“冷漠处世,独自隐居”,故可译为 “aloofne and retirement” 。
4.“纯粹的”可以用genuine 来表示,recluse: a person who leads a secluded or solitary life(隐 士),故 “纯粹的隐者”译为“genuine recluses” 。5.不能用来:does not suf?ce to,suf?ce to 为固定词组,表示 “能够干” 。6.解读普世的幸福模样 :construe what happine is for all,construe意为“to understand or explain the sense(解读,解释 )” 。