“What can you see?”教学反思

Leon 5What can you see? Let’s Learn
一.Teaching contents and demands 1.Can understand and master the new sentences.2.Can use the sentences to talk with others.二.Analyses of teaching contents The topic is about “animals”.We mainly use the old words to lead in the new words and topic sentences “What can you see?” “ I can see a …” and “ Can you see a …?”.Then practise.三.Teaching tools Multimedia courseware, pictures, flash cards 四.Teaching procedure 1.Warm up (Review) (1) Sing a song 《Can you swim?》
First, I sing and do actions.Have students look and listen carefully.Then students sing and do with the teacher.
(2) Free talk with students about the song.“Good morning, xxx.I can sing.What can you do? Can you …”
(3) Review the words.Play a gueing game with a “magic bag”.In the end, lead in the new word “sheep”.Then show pictures on PPT.Have students say the words as quickly as they can.2.Presentation.(1) Put up a picture of a tree on the blackboard and say “What can you see?” “I can see a tree.” to lead in the topic and the new sentences.Then write down on the blackboard.(2) Practise the sentences with different methods.(3) Use the same way to lead in the sentences “Can you see a sheep?” and “Yes, I can.”\\\\“No, I can’t.” Then practise.3.Drill
Use pictures on the blackboard and PPT to practise more.4.Consolidation Have students look around the claroom.There are many school things in it.Take some for examples, such as, a book, a pen, a desk and so on.Choose a student to make a short dialogue with me for the cla.Have them talk about in group.Then choose several groups to show for the rest.五.Test in cla 六.Homework Use today’s words and sentences to make a dialogue with your partner and write it down.七.Blackboard design
Leon 5
What can you see?
四年级英语 授课教师:张宝凤
Leon 5 What can you see ?
1.课堂前10分钟 , 创设气氛 , 激发兴趣
良好的开端是成功的一半 。在教学开始阶段 , 学生往往很难从中文思维很快的转入英文的世界中 , 整个课堂显得比较局促 , 这堂课一开始通过一首轻松愉快的歌曲at the market , 让学生调整自己的心态 , 安静下来;并且歌曲的唱诵能迅速营造课堂气氛 , 刺激学生的各个感官 , 唤起学生的积极情绪 , 激发学生兴趣 , 让学生要学 。
2.课堂语言丰富 , 引导旧知迁移 , 刺激学生感官
丰富的课堂语言能促进学生回顾旧知、感悟新知 , 刺激学生的听觉 , 为学生的课堂学习做好铺垫 。老师在教学字、词时 , 可以通过旧知引出 , 运用学生熟悉的旧句型 , 给学生信心的同时给予挑战 , 让学生乐于接受新词 , 而不是惧怕 , 这一环节 , 我通过出示coat引出boat , 考验学生的知识迁移能力 , 引导学生快速掌握单词的认读 , 通过同桌合作方式 , 学生能正确朗读这个新词;在操练环节 , 我的眼光比较窄 , 只注重了词的练习 。如果能将新学的词汇请学生运用到熟悉句型中 , 就能用这种有意义的练习 , 取代枯燥的操练形式 , 学生会更易于接受 , 掌握得更牢固 。