欣赏微笑作文怎么写?( 四 )

That girl friend of mine, tiptoeing into the garden in high spirits, sniffed here and smelt there, but in the end she didn\\'t pick a single rose.
解析:中文是一连串的动词,译成英文则需要分清几个动词的主次,这里“东闻闻,西嗅嗅......不肯采摘”是主要动词,“进花园”不十分重要,所以用了一个分词短语处理 。
“不肯采摘”译成英语时必须有宾语,考虑到语句的连贯,再加上语气方面的缘故,译成了didn\\'t pick a single rose 。
6)我说没关系,多的是,我又不是花店的老板,不会靠玫瑰赚钱的 。
I said there were so many of them that she could pick as many as she\\'d like to; I told her that I was not a florist and didn\\'t make a living out of them.
解析:这里中文的意思是说:你采吧,采多少都没关系,因为我这里玫瑰花多的是,而且我又不是开花店的,不以此谋生 。中文的意义关联十分明显 。根据这一分析,英文便把“没关系”隐去了 。
make a living out of: 从......中谋得生活来源 。
7)说完我就举起剪刀准备献美 。女友急忙拦住,高声叫着不可不可 。
While saying so I raised the sciors for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she vehemently stopped me, crying no, no, no!
解析:while表示的是同时,vehemently表示的是激烈的态度,句末的感叹号更是表明了阻止剪花的决心,因为英语里感叹号用的很少,表示的感情也较为激烈 。
8)这么美丽的玫瑰剪下来,让人心疼 。
To cut such beautiful roses would hurt one, she said.
解析:让人心疼:hurt one是使某人伤心的意思,也可以说gives one heartache 。
With her hands clutching at my sleeves, she told me that by no means should they be cut.Roses are the smiling face of the earth, and who could be so iron-hearted as to destroy a smile so exhilarating?
解析:这一句的英文分成了两句,因为从意思上来看,“千万不能剪啊”有语气词在末尾,语气较重,单独处理较好 。后面的两个“微笑”相互呼应,放到一起比较合适 。
10)我的灵魂悚然一惊,丑陋的泥土,卑微的泥土,朴素的泥土,因为玫瑰,露出了惊艳一笑 。因为这一笑,让人爱惜非常 。
My mind was thoroughly boggled: the ugly earth, the humble earth, the plain earth--it is only because of the roses that it reveals an amazing and bright smile, and it is for the sake of that smile that it wins the care and pity of men.
解析:“灵魂”实际指的是心灵、良心,所以英文意为mind;“悚然”是说由于惊觉、害怕而犹疑,正好是英文boggle的意思 。
下面三个“......的泥土”并列为“露出了惊艳一笑”的主语,“因为”后面则是“这一笑”作主语,“让人爱惜非常”作谓语 。