《egg》幼儿园小班教案如何写?( 四 )

(1)教师说:On the eve of Easter,what is Sally’s mother going to do? Do you remember? 学生自由回答,教师在黑板的左边板书词组be going to do和三个句子: be going to do.I’m going to make some Easter eggs.I’m going to color the eggs.
I’m going to hide the eggs in the garden.(2)教师出示与复活节活动有关的词组,进行复习巩固活动,如:Easter eggs/cards/presents,make some Easter eggs,color the eggs,hide the eggs等 。2.复习be going to do sth的句型 。教师出示图片,学生根据图片内容说一说,如: He is going to play football.She is going to go to school.They are going to skate.…
Step 3 Presentation
(一)了解本课对话语境,并学习词组look for 1.教师指着黑板上的三句话说:“Before Easter,Sally’s mother makes some Easter eggs and hides them in the garden.”
2.教师出示课本第18页的第一幅图说:“Now it’s Easter morning.Where are the kids?What are they doing?”请学生看图回答 。
3.根据学生的回答,教师说:“They are in the garden.They are looking for the eggs.”教学词组look for 。
4.通过课本第21页的韵律诗,巩固词组look for 。(1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读 。
(2)教师拿出三个彩蛋,将它们放在教室不同的地方,请学生模仿课本的韵律说一说,如: One,two,three,four,I saw an egg near the door.
Five,six,seven,eight,I saw an egg on the desk.
Nine,ten,nine,ten,I saw an egg under the book.5.复习巩固be doing的用法和现在分词的构成形式 。
1.教师说:“Easter morning,the kids are looking for the eggs.Let’s go and have a look.”2.教师播放课文录音或CD-ROM,学生边听边小声模仿跟读 。3.教学词组pick up 。
(1)教师出示课本第18页的第二幅图,请学生看课文,看看能否根据图片和上下文猜测出Kate is picking up an egg.的意思 。
(2)教学词组pick up和picking up,然后请学生读一读第二段对话 。(3)将一些实物放在地上,请学生边做动作边说句子,如: I’m picking up a book.
I’m picking up a pencilbox.I’m picking up an Easter egg.…
4.教学单词got和句型I got….
(1)教师出示课本第18页的最后一幅图,指着孩子们手中的彩蛋,提出问题:“How many Easter eggs did the kids get?”
(2)学生自读对话,然后根据课文内容说一说孩子们分别捡到了几粒彩蛋 。(3)出示句子:I got eighteen eggs.教学get—got和I got eighteen eggs.
(三)给对话配音 1.教师播放课文录音或CD-ROM二至三次,学生模仿跟读 。
2.给学生一点时间,熟读对话,并记住每个人物的话及说话的语气 。
3.教师播放课文的CD-ROM,只播放画面与文字,隐去声音,学生分角色给对话配音 。引导学生用自豪的或赞美的语气来说:She is a clever girl.用喜悦的语气来说:I got…eggs.