
“朱雀桥边野草花,乌衣巷口夕阳斜……”这是我小时候对夫子庙的第一认识 。
不看不知道,一看吓一跳 。如果你是一名旅游爱好者,曾经来过南京,但是没有去过夫子庙,那真是等于白来了!
夫子庙是南京的著名景点,历史悠久 。夫子庙靠着秦淮河,秦淮河是南京的母亲河,就像中国的长江与黄河一样 。秦淮河上碧波荡漾,波光粼粼,水里不时跃出来可爱的小鱼,坐在夫子庙的画舫上看风景,别有一番滋味 。
看夫子庙,一定要在晚上来 。这时夫子庙灯火通明,霓虹灯五光十色,把城市的上空找的宛如发生了极光一般,十分华丽,此时此刻,人们也不顾着夜晚的疲惫,都来夫子庙闲逛 。饿了?哈哈,没问题!FOLLOE ME!鸭血粉丝汤,鸡汁汤包,羊肉串,不够再去KFC!麦当劳也有!还有南京的臭豆腐等经典小吃……对了!还有盐水鸭!盐水鸭可是南京的特产!欢迎品尝!盐水鸭的其中一种叫桂花鸭,在盐水鸭的层次上精益求精,含着桂花的清香 。夫子庙当人不是“二号狮子桥”光是吃,也有许多时尚的商铺任你逛 。当然,你的眼球也是不会闲着的',夫子庙是很久以前的一个古建筑,蕴含着老南京风味,那墙壁上的精雕细刻,屋顶的绚丽国花纹,美不胜收 。还有,那夜晚的秦淮河也更是美丽,那清澈的水面倒映着繁星点点的夜空,绿树,建筑,还有那五颜六色的灯光,把秦淮河照的五彩缤纷 。
到了元宵节,夫子庙更是人山人海,大街小巷里都有卖花灯的小店,有可爱的兔子灯,古老的走马灯、孔明灯 。除了花灯,在元宵节那几天里,夫子庙里还有许多的元宵店 。元宵有大有小,大的里面有芝麻,小的泡糖水,都十分好吃 。


Confucius Temple and the Qinhuai River Scenic Area 夫子庙及秦淮河风光带
The Qinhuai Scenic Spot includes the Qinhuai River, Confucius Temple,the Examination Musium(Gong Yuan),the street of local delicacies,Former Residence of Wang and Xie`s at Wuyi Lane etc.Most of the buildings in Confucius Temple area were rebuilt and renovated in the mid-1980s and 1990s and the area becomes the a tourist site of culture and commerce.It is an ideal place for tourists to understand traditional Chinese culture as well as enjoy shopping.秦淮风景区包括秦淮河,夫子庙,贡院,风味小吃街,乌衣巷的王谢故居等 。夫子庙大部分的建筑在20世纪80年代和90年代中期重建并修复,并使这一地区成为文化和商业的旅游景点 。夫子庙不仅为游客了解中国传统文化提供了理想场所也是游客逛街购物的好去处 。
To the south of Nanjing sits the Confucius Temple on the bank of the Qinhuai River .First built in 1034 during the Northen Song Dynasty, Confucius Temple is the ritual place of worshipping and offering sacrificials to Confucius.It was gradually renovated and expanded to a place with a group of the Ming and Qing style buildings.The Confucius Temple people often talk about should include three great buildings: the Temple of Confucius with Hall of Great Achievements as the main body, the Palace of learning and Imperial Examination Center.The present Confucius Temple was extended on the bases of the Palace of learning.The Confucius Temple complex includes the pan pool, screen wall, the gateway of all scholars, Juxing Pavilion, Kuixing Pavilion,Lingxing Gate, the Dacheng Hall and the Dacheng Gate and so on.夫子庙坐落于秦淮河畔,位于南京的南边 。夫子庙始建于北宋1034年,是崇拜和祭祀孔子的礼节性场所 。后来它逐渐修复和扩大,发展成为包含许多明清式建筑的旅游风景区 。我们常提的夫子庙应该包括三个建筑群:孔庙及主体建筑大成殿,学宫和国家考试中心 。如今的夫子庙是在学宫的基础上扩建起来的 。夫子庙综合包括:泮池、照壁、天下文枢坊、聚星亭、魁星亭、棂星门、大成殿和大成门等 。