夫子庙作文550字怎么写?( 五 )

Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center was located to the east of Confucius Temple.It was first built during the Song Dynasty and extended for times in the Ming anf Qing Dynaties.Named after Jiangnan Province established in the Qing Dynasty,The Imperial Examination Center was the place to select talented people for the country through imperial examinations.Especially in the early Ming Dynasty when Nanjing was made the national capital ,the provincial and metropolitian examinations were all held here in the examination center .In1421 Emperor Zhu Di,the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty moved the capital to Beijing,but Nanjing still served as the rear capital and the examinations were held here as before.Now the Imperial Examination Center has been turned into Nanjing Imperial Examination Museum since 1980s.江南贡院位于夫子庙东侧,始建于宋朝,在明清两代又多次扩建 。江南贡院因秦朝的江南省而得名,通过科举考试挑选全国各地的人才 。特别是在明代早期,南京为首都,乡试和会试都在此举行 。1421年,明代第三代皇帝明成祖朱棣迁都北京,但南京仍为留都,科举考试仍在此举行 。如今,江南贡院自20世纪80年代以来改为南京科举考试博物馆 。Wuyi Lane乌衣巷
Wuyi Lane is one of the oldest lanes in Nanjing , it is located nearby the Confucius Temple and to the south of the Wende Bridge.There was several sayings about the name ofthe Wuyi Lane, one of them was:Jingling people Wangxie , a man who was living by voyaging on the sea.One day , his ship was confronted with a big storm and sank.Fortunately he was survived ,he was floated by the wind to a place named Wuyi kingdom.He got married there and has children.Several years later, Wangxie came back to his hometown .But he mied his family in Wuyi kingdom so much that he named the street on which he was lived as the Wuyi Lane.Actually, the place was the former army garrison of Wu Kingdom dating back to over 1700 years ago.The soldiers wore black gowns at that time, hence the name Wuyi lane .During the middle –Tang Dynasty, poet Liu Yuxi visited Wuyi Lane and sighed in his famous poem: ―Now by the Red-sparrow Bridge wild gra are growing,and on the Black-gown Alley the evening sun is glowing.And swallows which once graced the Wang and Xie hall,now feed in common people’s homes –without their knowing.乌衣巷是南京最古老的巷子之一,位于夫子庙附近文德桥的南岸 。关于乌衣巷名称的说法有好几种 。其中有神话传说,金陵人王榭,以航海为业 。一日,船遇大风浪而沉,王榭大难不死,漂至乌衣国,并在那娶妻生子 。几年后,王榭回到故里,但是他十分思念乌衣国的家人,因此,便将自己所住的巷子取名乌衣巷 。事实上,这里原是1700多年前吴国驻守城区部队营房所在地,因军士所穿衣服为黑色制服,故以“乌衣”为巷名 。唐中期,大诗人刘禹锡寻访了乌衣巷并留下了那首脍炙人口的诗:―朱雀桥边野草花,乌衣巷口夕阳斜,旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家 。‖