夫子庙作文550字怎么写?( 二 )

The Pan Pool and The Screen Wall 泮池和照壁
The natural stream of the Qinhuai River was taken as the The Pan Pool,which is also called ―The Pool of Crescent Moon‖ by the local people.The southern bank of the pan pool is the Screen Wall, which is 110 meters long and 10 meters high.It ranks top among all the screen walls acro the county.The wall was built in 1575 and newly renovated in 1984 .The function of the wall was to indicate that the Confucius’ profound learning was accepted by common folks.Another function was to cover up the main buildings of the temple, so as to give people an impreion of grandeur and magnificence.泮池是利用天然河道内的秦淮河而形成的,当地人也称它为月牙池 。泮池南边是照壁,它110米长,10米高, 位于全国所有照壁之冠.这个照壁建于1575年,重建于1984年.照壁的功能是表明孔子渊博的学问被普通百姓所接受.另一功能是遮挡住寺庙的主体建筑以便给人们一个辉煌而庄严的印象.The Gateway of all scholars 天下文枢坊
The Gateway of all scholars was first built in 1586 in an imitation of that in Qufu.The building structure symbolized Confucius as the center of all writings and morals in ancient times.It is the first entrance to Confucius Temple.天下文枢坊始建于1586年仿曲阜天下文枢坊,它结构的意思是所有文章和道德的中心都归于孔子 。它是进入夫子庙的标志 。Lingxing Gate 棂星门
Lingxing Gate is also called the Gate of Etiquette, specially built for emperors to offer sacrifices to Confucius .The Gate built in front of Confucius Temple implies the meaning of ―talented people coming forth in large numbers and stability of the country.‖ 棂星门又叫礼仪门,它是专为皇帝祭祀孔子而建的 。它建于孔庙前的寓意是大量人才涌现国家稳定 。
Dacheng Gate or the Gate of Great Achievements大成门
Dacheng Gate or the Gate of Great Achievements is also called Halberd Gate, which is the front door of Confucius Temple.As Confucius epitomized Chinese culture, he was posthumously granted the title of supreme saint Confucius. In the entrance of the gate there are four old stone tablets:大成门或集大成的门,又叫戟门,它是夫子庙的前门 。作为中国文化缩影的孔子,他死后被授予至圣先师的称号.进入门内有四块古碑: The tablets of Confucius Asking Laozi of the Ethical Codes 孔子问礼图碑
It was carved in 484 AD during the Southern Dynasty, recording his experiences of Confucius on his visit to Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in 518 B.C.Confucius made investigations on the system of institutions of the Zhou and sought for the ways of prospering and stabilizing the country, and consolidating the power of slave-owners in the Lu State.孔子请教老子道德经的图碑, 刻于南朝公元484年,碑上记录的是孔子去洛阳(公元前518年东周王朝首都)访问的经验 。孔子研究了周王朝的制度,寻求如何繁荣和稳定国家的方法以及如何在鲁国联合奴隶主的力量 。