夫子庙作文550字怎么写?( 四 )

Juxing Pavilion聚星亭
In the west temple square there stands a hexagonal pavilion (the pavilion with its 6 eaves upturned) called ―Juxing‖.The name of Juxing means ―aembly of stars‖ or ―a galaxy of talents‖,because all the men of letters or well-educated people were regarded as stars in the sky in feudal China.Juxing pavilion was the place for intellectuals to converge on and to learn from each other by exchanging their experiences in study.在西庙广场有一个六角凉亭(凉亭与六飞檐翻过来的)叫做―聚‖ 。名称聚的意思是群星汇聚和人才荟萃 ,因为所有的书生或受过良好教育的人被视为封建中国天空中的群星 。聚星亭是知识分子聚集和互相学习,交流学习心得的地方 。
Kuixing Pavilion (now called Kuiguang Pavilion)魁星阁(现又叫做魁光阁)
In the east of Pan Pool lies the Kuixing Pavilion, which is also called the Pavilion of God of Literature.The three-storeyed hexagonal tower was the place for provincial examination candidates to pay worship to Confucius before they sat for imperial examinations.Later on, the pavilionwas turned into a teahouse for candidates to meet friends with tea drinking.Kuixing is the star at the tip of the bowl of the Big Dipper, one of the 28 constellations in the sky.It was said to be God of Literature dominating the fortune of culture and education, and Confucius was regarded as the God.In time of imperial examinations, the examination candidates often came to offer sacrifices to Confucius in the hope of succefully paing the imperial examinations and becoming a provincial graduate.魁星阁位于东部的泮池,也被称为文星阁 。这三层六角塔是乡试士子们应考前拜孔的地方 。后来,这个馆变成茶社,应考者在此喝茶会友 。魁星是北斗星之第一星,天上28个星宿之一 。据说这是主宰文运之神 ,以及孔子被视为上帝 。在科举时代,应考者往往来拜孔子,希望能成功地通过科举,以求中举 。The Palace of Learning学宫
The Palace of Learning is an architectural complex consisting of Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue, Zunjing Library, Qingyun Tower and Ancestral Temple for Worshiping the Parents of Confucius etc..The Palace of Learning was an institution of higher learning of the prefecture in ancient times, usually built behind Confucian Temple.Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue was the main hall of Palace of Learning ,the place for putting up the list of succeful candidates in the years of the imperial examination system and was also an aembly auditorium for the students to attend lectures on Confucius teachings and imperial edictsgiven by aistant instructor after their pilgrimage on the first and the 15th day every lunar month.Zunjing Library was a two-storied building with each having 5 rooms.The upstairs was used to collect the Chinese traditional learning of the Ming Dynasty.The downstairs was the lecture hall ,where aistant instructors used to give students lectures.The Qingyun Tower is a memorial temple for enshrining educational inspectors of the past dynasties .The Ancestral Temple for Parents ofConfucius was the place for students to offer sacrifices to Confucius parents.But someone also says it is the Saint-Admiring Temple specially for enshrining the deciples of Confucius.学宫是一个由明德厅或明德堂 ,尊经阁,青云楼和崇圣祠等组成的建筑群 。学宫是一个古代的高等学府,通常建在文庙后面 。明德厅或明德堂是学宫的正堂,是张悬科第题名榜的地方 。在多年的科举系统,也是一个每正月朔,望日朝圣后听训导师宣讲圣教和上谕的集会礼堂 。尊经阁是一个上下两层各五楹的建筑。楼上被用来收集明代国学 。楼下是训导师用来给学生讲课的讲堂 。青云楼是供奉历代督学使的祠宇 。崇圣祠是孔子的学生为孔子的父母供奉的地方 。但也有人说,这是祭祀孔门弟子的专祠 。Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center江南贡院