农村隔代教育的困惑怎么写?( 三 )

Keywords: inter-generational educationgrandparentgrandchildrenContent:
1 What is the inter-generational education
Inter-generational education is the common reality in contemporary China.With the progre and change of the society, and social competition becoming more serious, more and more young parents are always busy with their work,they have no time to take care of their children.So these young parents put all the responsibility of education to grandparents.And grandparents try their best to take care of their grandchildren.The grandparents become the"modern parents", and grandparents are also happy to play this role and enjoy the life.This situation that grandparents bring up and educate their grandchildrenis the so called inter-generational education.
2 Causes of inter-generational education
A study on "inter-generational education" survey in China showed that: Nearly half of children are followed by Chinese grandparents.That is to say grandparents grew their grandchildren up.In Shanghai, 60% are in "inter-generational education", Guangzhou for "inter-generational education" of children accounted for half of the total, while in Beijing, the children accept the "inter-generational education" are up to 70%.Cro-generational education in China is so obvious.Analysis of the causes of inter-generational education, involves many factors.For example, social background, personal and family situation and so on.
2.1 the preure of the social environment
With the development of our society, social competition, employment preure and other reasons, many young parents are busy with their work, busy to adapt to the society, There is little time to give their children, So the young parents ignore children\\'s education .Therefore, asking for grandparents\\' help on their children\\'s education become their first choice.This choice, in their view ,not only can save money, but also more at ease.In addition, as the conditions of modern society, the convenience of transportation and communication.The employment environment and space are expanded, young parents in order to search better opportunities, they are willing to run around.The time between children and their parents is greatly reduced .So the responsibility for education has been placed by the grandparents.We can say that the social environment factors are the main reason for inter-generational
education in China today .
2.2 inherent ethics in the family
China has a deep-rooted family ethics.Continuation of this blood on the generation of ideas in people\\'s minds has a very clear expreion.In China, three generations living together is the ideal that older generation persue.Therefore, in this family environment, inter-generational education is eential.
2.3 The self-awarene become stronger
Young parents are mostly born in 1980s in contemporary China, People born in this era are completely different with grandparents.Their child-care concept changes a lot.These young parents are no longer just live for their children,They do what they want to, go anywhere they want to,they live for themselves.They have a strong