
Talking about relationships. 聊聊感情
A: So, are you currently involved with anyone?
B: Um, I’m not really comfortable talking about my love life with you.
A: Oh come on. Just think of me as your friend, not your boss.
B: Fine. I’m in a relationship with Josh from Human Resources. We’ve been going out for like, 10 weeks.
【名花有主用英文怎么说,你名花有主了用英文怎么说】A: Wow, really? Good for you! How did all of this happen? I want all details.
B: Well, we were both stuck in the elevator, so he started to make small talk. And we really hit it off. I gave him my phone number and 2 days later he texted me and asked me out on a date. What’s your current relationship status? Are you seeing anyone?
A: Yeah, I’m seeing a girl called Lucy. We met through my buddy Tim. We’ve been on a few dates. My ex-girlfriend dumped me 2 months ago. I still can’t believe she broke up with me.

  1. currently目前地…,
例句:I’m currently working for Google. 我目前在谷歌上班;
  1. comfortable 舒服的;
例句:This couch is very comfortable.这沙发很舒服;口语里也会用简洁版的comfy, 意思用法一样;
  1. boss 上司;主管叫supervisor; 老板(店主)叫owner;
  2. fine 好吧;一般带有逼不得已不情愿的感情;
  3. detail 细节;
例句:I need more details.我需要知道更多的细节;
  1. elevator 电梯;英国人用lift;
  2. text 发短信;短信;作动词:Don’t forget to text me.记得给我发短信;做名词:Just send me a text. 完整形式为text-message.
  3. relationship 关系;恋情;
例句:What’s your relationship with her?你跟她是什么关系?
  1. Current 目前的
例句:She is my current girlfriend. 她是我目前的女朋友 。
  1. Ex-girlfriend 前女友;前男友为ex-boyfriend;前妻为ex-wife;前夫为ex-husband;口语里可直接用ex.;
例句:She’s my ex.她是我前任 。
  1. be involved with…与…..有关系; 与…恋爱中;
例句:She’s involved with someone now. 她现在有男朋友了;名花有主也可以说She’s taken 或She’s spoken for.
  1. Be comfortable doing….. 不介意做…; …不会不舒服;
例句:I’m not comfortable telling you how much money I make. 我不是很想告诉你我赚多少钱 。
  1. Love life 感情生活;
例句:How’s your love life? 最近感情生活怎么样?
  1. Come on. 拜托,不要这样嘛;
例句:Come on. It’s no big deal.不要这样嘛,又没什么大不了的;
  1. Think of … as…. 把…当作…;
例句:Think of her as your teacher.把她当做你的老师; Think of this as an opportunity.把这个看成一个机遇;
  1. Be in a relationship 处于恋爱中;
例句:Are you in a relationship? 你目前恋爱了吗?
  1. Human Resources. 人力资源;
人力资源部就是Department of Human Resources.
  1. Go out 此处表示‘约会’;
例句:She and I have been going out for 10 years.我跟她已经谈了十年的恋爱了;
  1. All of this 这所有的一切
10·Be stuck 困住了;卡住了;
例句:I think he’s stuck in traffic. 我觉得他是堵在路上了;
  1. Make small talk 唠家常,找话题闲聊;
12·Hit it off 合得来;聊的投缘;
例句:I think you will hit it off. 我觉得你们会很聊得来的 。
13·Ask someone out on a date. 约某人出去约会;
例句:I think he will ask you out on a date.我觉得他会约你出去的;
14.Relationship status. 感情状况;常见的感情状态有:single 单身的; married 已婚的; in a relationship 恋爱中; engaged 订婚了的; widowed 丧偶的;
14.See someone 有约会对象;
例句:I think she’s seeing someone.我觉得她最近恋爱了;
15.Met through…. 通过..认识的;
例句:We met through Paul.我们是通过Paul认识的;
16.Dump someone 甩掉某人;
17.例句:She dumped me again.她又把我甩了; 被甩叫got dumped. 例句:I got dumped last night. 我昨晚被我对象甩了 。
18.Break up with …与….分手;
例句:Don’t break up with me. 不要跟我分手?。灰丫质挚梢越蠾e’ve broken up.美国人也会用We’re broken up. 主被动均可 。
  1. I’m not really…..我不是很想….: 委婉说出No的时候经常加really;
比如:I’m not really into music.我不喜欢音乐;I’m not really in the mood.我没那心情;I don’t really like her.我不喜欢她 。虽然是否定,加了really就会委婉许多;
  1. Just …+动词表示‘……就好’ 。
例句:Just talk to me.跟我说说就好;Just go.走就行了;
  1. Have been + 时间表示‘已经’;I’ve been calling him for 10 minutes. 我已经给他打了十分钟电话了; They’ve been together for 4 years. 他们在一起已经四年了 。
  2. Good for you! 挺好的; 美国人在对方说了好消息时喜欢说这句话,比如对方说I’m going to America tomorrow. 我明天要去美国;此时你可以说Good for you. 反之 , 如果对方说了不好的消息 , 你可以说That’s too bad或I’m sorry to hear that.
  3. I can’t believe….. 直译表示‘我无法相信’ , 其实表示惊讶的情感;I can’t believe you like her. 你居然喜欢她! I can’t believe you! 你太让我惊讶了!

B:呃,跟你聊我的感情生活我会不自在不舒服 。
A: 不要这样嘛 。把我当做你的朋友,而不是老板就好了呀 。
B:好吧,我现在在跟人力资源的Josh谈恋爱 。我们约会差不多有10个星期了 。
A:哇,真哒! 挺好的!你们怎么在一起的?。?快把细节都告诉我啊 。
B:呃,我们有一次都困在电梯里,然后他开始找话题聊天,然后我们聊的很愉快很合得来 。我把我的号码告诉了他 , 两天后,他给我发短信要约我出去 。你现在的感情状态是怎样的呢?谈恋爱了吗?
A: 嗯,我现在在跟一个名叫Lucy的女孩约会,我们是通过我哥们Tim认识的 。我们已经约会过几次;我前女友两个月前把我帅了,我还是不敢相信她居然跟我分手啊啊?。?