文言文 花木兰 原文和翻译( 六 )

女扮男装 , 代父从军 , 屡立战功 。
凯归 , 帝封官嘉奖 , 木兰不受 , 欲纳宫中 , 以死拒之 。
唐初 , 追封为孝烈将军 。
人们为纪念她 , 于唐代修建花木兰祠 , 祠内现存元代立《孝烈将军祠像辨正记》和清立《孝烈将军祠辨误正名记》石碑 , 详细记载了花木兰的身世、籍贯、业绩及历代修祠情况 。
近年来 , 又修复了木兰祠大殿等一大批景点 。
花木兰祠已收入《中国名胜词典》 。
——《木兰诗》是南北朝时期北朝民歌的代表作品 , 选自南朝郭茂倩编的《乐府诗集》(乐府双璧另一:《孔雀东南飞》) , 属于叙事诗 , 叙述了古代女英雄木兰代父从军、建功立业的传奇故事 , 刻画出木兰这个古代巾帼英雄形象 。
写一篇花木兰对花木兰的影评用英语写并翻译 Mulan's story-so far, mainly due to "Ode of Mulan" Masterpiece folk side of this, this long narrative poems of praise Nvbannanzhuang Mulan for the father of military legend. Now many more people it will be made into a movie, down through the ages.War heroes, men living without a hero, heroine will be, with the Northern Wei Rouran not prominent men of war, will have a prominent heroine Mulan. She is a weak girl, he's elderly father, is no longer on the weak; she is a woman weaving, but to her father, to join the army to fight on. She never bow to the men, loudly told the world: "Women are no inferior to men.". Mulan will be a battle, how rapidly the tension is very high morale, march more urgent, more military tension, this is an order reversing, as a girl left the family, into a battlefield, the equivalent of the world into another. She and a man eating live with, eat the same suffering, by the same tired, but do men with different stories, and create a brilliant different men, as well as proof of "who say woman not so good as men. ? "Mulan back, is not easy. Her attention to the value of life, the more the warmth of the family know. She has refused to grant the emperor, officials do not want to cast aside their high position and great wealth, she is willing to foot thousands of miles Chi, also home at an early date.
有关木兰的诗词 朝饮木兰之坠露兮 夕餐秋菊之落英” , “朝搴阰之木兰兮 , 夕揽洲之宿莽” 。
《木兰花慢 以上振绮堂刻本赵待制遗稿 。
朱本》 元代 :赵雍恨匆匆赋别 , 回首望 , 一长嗟 。
记执手临流 , 迟迟去马 , 浩浩平沙 。
此际黯然肠断 , 柰一痕、明月两天涯 。
南去孤舟渐远 , 今宵宿向谁家 。
别来旬日未曾过 , 如隔几年华 。
纵极目层崖 , 故人何处 , 泪落兼葭 。
聚散古今难必 , 且乘风、高咏木兰花 。
但愿朱颜长好 , 不愁水远山遐 。
《苏州十咏其二·木兰堂》 宋代:范仲淹堂上列歌锺 , 多惭不如古 。
却羡木兰花 , 曾见霓裳舞《次韵何伯温三首》 宋代:洪咨夔庭前木兰花 , 皦皦扶春阳 。
鹤鸣夜漏午 , 步花独歌商 。
低迷露湿衣 , 浩荡月满梁 。
深省渺谁语 , 中心空自藏 。
《春日闲居》 明代:王女郎浓阴柳色罩窗纱 , 风送炉烟一缕斜 。
庭草黄昏随意绿 , 子规啼上木兰花 。
《新市杂咏十首》 宋代:华岳朱门粉壁谪仙家 , 柳外秋鞑衬落霞 。
一涧碧云流不去 , 木兰舟系木兰花 。
《闽中春暮》 明代:张羽吴山入梦驿程赊 , 身逐孤帆客海涯 。
九十日春多是雨 , 三千里路未归家 。
桄榔土润蛮烟合 , 杨柳江深瘴雾遮 。
倚遍阑干愁似海 , 杜鹃啼过木兰花 。
《闽中春暮》 唐代:裴廷裕吴山入梦驿程赊 , 身逐孤帆客海涯 。
九十日春多是雨 , 三千里路未归家 。
桄榔土润蛮烟合 , 杨柳江深瘴雾遮 。
倚遍阑干愁似海 , 杜鹃啼过木兰花 。
《塘下行》 唐代:孟郊塘边日欲斜 , 年少早还家 。
徒将白羽扇 , 调妾木兰花 。
不是城头树 , 那栖来去鸦 。
翻译“花木兰女扮男装,替父从军的故事家喻户晓(dress sb)” Reflection 倒影(电影花木兰主题曲) CHRISTINA AGUIELRA (演唱:克莉丝汀娜)Look at me 看着我 , You may think you see who I really am你也许以为你看到了真正的我But you'll never know me但你永远不会了解我every day每一天It's as if I play a part似乎我真的扮演一个角色 , 发挥着我的作用 。