摘要:本文通过调查英语专业学生学唱英文歌曲对口语能力的影响,发现学生在提高口语方面存在的问题,以及英文歌曲在这方面的作用,并针对问题提出相应的解决办法,以及如何通过学唱英文歌曲提高口语能力的建议 。问卷调查和访谈结果显示英语专业学生普遍对自身的口语水平不满意,学生口语基础薄弱,课堂教学缺乏新意;英文歌曲在提高口语能力方面有一定的作用 。基于此笔者提出将英文歌曲融入学生课堂口语教学和课余口语学习过程中,并有针对性的采取相应的学习策略,以期达到提高口语能力的目的 。
Impact of English Songs on the Oral English Proficiency of English Majors
Abstract: This paper is an investigation on impacts of English songs on the oral English proficiency of English majors, through which problems existing in students’ oral English learning and the role of English songs in their learning process have been found. Corresponding solutions and suggestions are offered. Survey results show that most of English majors are not satisfied with their oral ability and there is a need to improve their English speaking. Lack of innovation is a big problem in oral classes, and singing English songs has positive impact on students’ oral English proficiency. Therefore, the author of this paper proposes proper strategies of adopting English songs to enhance learners’ oral ability.
Key words: English songs; oral English proficiency; impact
1. Introduction
1.1 Studies on the relation between English songs and learners’ oral ability
1.2 Purpose of this study
1.3 Structure of this paper
2. Research description
2.1 Subjects
2.2 Instruments
2.3 Procedure
3. Findings and discussions
3.1 Analysis of questionnaire results
3.1.1 An overview of English majors’ oral ability
3.1.2 Problems existing in students’ oral English study
3.1.3 The role of English songs in students’ life
3.1.4 Effects of singing English songs on learners’ oral ability
3.1.5 Feasibility of adopting English songs in teaching
3.2 Findings and discussions of the interview
4. Suggestions on applying English songs to improving learners’ oral ability
4.1 To select proper songs
4.2 To adopt various strategies
4.2.1 Listening and learning alone
4.2.2 Listening and learning in group
4.2.3 Singing English songs in oral class
5. Conclusion
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本问卷用于毕业论文调查,请您根据自己的真实情况作答,如特殊标明外均为单项选择题 。感谢您的合作!
1 你对你的口语水平满意吗?
A 不满意B 比较满意C 满意D 很满意
2 你认为制约你的口语能力的因素有哪些?(可多选)
A 语音B 词汇C 句法结构D 节奏E 语调
F 焦虑情绪(如怕犯错,公众场合发言紧张等)G 其他——
3 你认为目前口语课教学存在哪些问题?(可多选)
A 学生积极主动性不高B 教学形式单一,缺乏新意C 课时少D学生不够重视E 其他——
4 没有口语课后,你还坚持练习口语吗?
A 一直坚持B 有时候C 没有
5 你希望进一步提高自己的口语水平吗?
A 希望B 无所谓C 没想过
6 你正在(打算)如何提高自己的口语能力?(可多选)
A 参加专门的辅导班B 阅读相关书籍C 英文歌曲D 英文电影,美剧E 参加英语角 其他——
7 你是否喜欢英文歌曲?
A 喜欢B 一般C 不喜欢
8 你是否经常听英文歌曲?
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