
1,独立学习对话并在小组内完成对话Part B Look and talk 。2.小组内完成Part B Read and Report.3.学唱歌曲《Su Will Go》 ? 自主学习 一)温故知新
Part B Look and Talk.二)阅读方法
通过对话进一步掌握一般将来时态的用法和构成 。三)互助释疑
Part B Let’s sing 认读歌词,了解歌词大意 。四)探究出招
PartB: Read and report.? 展示交流 ? 小组内交流,全班展示:Part B: Read and report.
Unit7I Have Headache
学习动词短语:Have a cold, Have a cough, Have a fever, Have a headache, Have a toothache, Have a stomachache, see a doctor, 并用这些短语描述病情症状 。教学重点:
能听懂、会写、会读、会说:Have a cold, Have a cough, Have a fever, Have a headache, Have a toothache, Have a stomachache, see a doctor 。教学难点:通过学习,用这些单词描述病情症状 。教法:高效课堂教学模式
单词卡片录音机 教学环节: ? 学习目标
一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”短语:Have a cold, Have a cough, Have a fever, Have a headache, Have a toothache, Have a stomachache, see a doctor 。
二)并用这些短语病情症状 。
22 / 28 ? 自主学习
复习以前学过的动词短语 。二)阅读方法
自学短语,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来 。三)互助释疑
同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法 。四)探究出招
同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写 。? 展示交流
一) Part A Think and tick
Do you often go to see a doctor?
When do you go to see a doctor? 二)Part A Think and answer.
Do you want to be a doctor?
Why or why not?
教学目标:1,I feel very bad today.
2,What’s wrong with you?I have a ...教学重点:1,I feel very bad today.
2,What’s wrong with you?I have a ...教学难点:灵活应用句型做对话 。教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究
单词卡片录音机 教学环节: ? 学习目标
1,I feel very bad today.2,What’s wrong with you?I have a ...? 自主学习 ? 一)温故知新 1 .默写单词 二)阅读方法
What’s wrong with you?I have a ...句型做对话 。三)互助释疑
读对话 Part A Let’s talk,划出陌生单词以及句子,相互交流 。四)探究出招
学唱歌曲,Part B Let’s chant
23 / 28 ? 展示交流
小组展示 Part C Ask and answer.指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型相互问答 。
教学目标:1 学习句型:
Conlin doesn’t feel well this morning. I am sorry to hear that.You’d better take him to see a doctor.2.学习打电话用语 。教学重点:学习句型:
Conlin doesn’t feel well this morning. I am sorry to hear that.You’d better take him to see a doctor.教学难点:学习打电话用语 。教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究