春五年级数学下册全册教案如何写?( 八 )

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法 。四)探究出招
同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写 。? 展示交流
一)Part A Read and answer How many months are there in a year?
How many months are in a season? Which months are in spring?
二)Part A Circle your birthday and the birthdays of your family.
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教学目标:(一) 用序数词表示每个月份的日期 。(二)学习句型:
1.Which is your favorite season/month ? My favorite season/month is ...2. Autumn begins from semtember here. 3. The treen become red. 4. Children’s day is on ...并灵活应用句型 。熟悉对话内容 。教学重点:
(一) 用序数词表示每个月份的日期 。(二) 能用以下句型
1.Which is your favorite season/month ? My favorite season/month is ...2. Autumn begins from semtember here. 3. The treen become red.
4. Children’s day is on ...进行简单对话 。
教学难点:灵活应用所学句型,表演对话 。教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究
单词卡片录音机 教学环节: ? 学习目标
(一) 用序数词表示每个月份的日期 。(二) 能用以下句型
1.Which is your favorite season/month ? My favorite season/month is ...2. Autumn begins from semtember here. 3. The treen become red. 4. Children’s day is on ...并灵活应用句型 。? 自主学习 一)温故知新
2.用Which is your favorite season/month ? My favorite season/month is ...句型,同桌相互问答 。二)阅读方法
练习句型: Children’s day is on ...三)互助释疑
同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型 。
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自主学习对话,了解对话内容 。? 展示交流
指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型介绍自己或他人喜欢的月份,并用简单的句型描述月份 。
1.Each season has three months.1.Spring begains from match.2.Summer is form June to August.3.New Year is in the first month of the year.教学重点:灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握Part B Let‘s learn more 当中的这段话 。
教学难点:灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握Part B Let‘s learn more 当中的这段话 。
教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究
单词卡片录音机 教学环节:
? 学习目标 掌握下列句型
1.Each season has three months.2.Spring begains from match.3.Summer is form June to August.4.New Year is in the first month of the year.? 自主学习 一)温故知新
Part C Listen and tick.Part C Think and answer
What is this season?
Whicn is your favorite season?
What is this month?
Whicn is your favorite month?
When is the Children’s Day? When is New year’s Day? 二)阅读方法